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RE: Joining in on the self voting on comments fray...

in #steemit7 years ago

Dork. If you had a habit of up voting you own comments I'd be concerned, but I know you don't and you just did it to be cunning and comical. :)

I'm not sure how to approach this issue at the moment. It's still early a lot to think about. Most ideas I come up with are not difficult to circumvent.


I've solved this moral dilemma by upvoting your comment. We can rest easy now. Disaster is averted.

Honestly though, those people who are doing it exclusively, I find quite distasteful. They often don't upvote the post they are commenting on. It is alien to my way of thinking.

Yes. Exactly. It is very disturbing. I am thinking it may be worth resurrecting the two rewards pool idea. One for comments, one for posts. If comments for example were 20% of the total reward pool (maybe less even) and posts were 80% then at least there would be a stop gap/firewall to stop this illness from doing more than 20% damage.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I didn't say it would stop that. It would limit it though so it couldn't spill over to stealing and draining the rest of the pool for posts.

Spam posts we already have mechanisms in place to fight. That hasn't been an issue for a long time. Right now we have comment pool draining everything. I view it as a firewall or a stop gap. Everything you are talking about exists now. I don't see it hurting anything but it can limit the bleeding.

Short of that the community needs to withdraw all support, followers, votes, etc from the people that do it. Let them stand alone. If that doesn't work then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I think it's steem's mistake to make upvoting yourself even possible. So hard to resist sometimes, when it's so easy to do..

If they didn't allow it that is easy to get around. Just create another account and up vote your comments and posts from the other account.

Most things that seem like a solution are not actually as easy as we might think.

I don't see many simple solutions to these issues. Thus, why we discuss them brainstorm and hopefully us as a community will solve the problem. I don't think it will be easy though.