The power of the vote... perceptions vary...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

It's getting a bit hot in here at times. I believe it should be expected. This platforms seems to be capable of accentuating the good, and the bad. Some of the good it crushes, some of the bad it crushes.

Payout and Money is a big part of this platform.

It seems to work.

People are predominantly civil and there is not too much trolling. That is likely tied to the fact we can earn for our posts.

The Pool

There is a pool of steem power, a fixed amount per day that comes into the system. That which does not go to posts is distributed throughout the users of the platform in accordance with their steem power.

This leads to the idea that returning value perceived as too high adds back to that pool and then spreads it among the people.

Which if you follow that train of thought and really think about it also means that large payout posts draw a lot from the pool and concentrate it.

Why mention that?

That concept is at the core of why many believe they should be able to FLAG posts that THEY deem are not worth the amount being posted.

Okay, that might be a good reason if you tap into the inner socialist and like the idea of taking and redistributing.

But we were not taking


Then it shifts to the statement that it was not taken. That was a potential payout. That's great if that is what your perceptions tell you. That is not how the majority of people will perceive it. Do a poll, I am pretty confident the poll will bear out that if you phrase it that your post says you were making a potential payout of $100 and someone flags your post and it now says $10, were they taking money from you that the perception would be overwhelmingly yes. This is my assumption, speculation, etc and let's call it what it is a hypothesis based upon observation that has not been tested.

Yet really we can flip this on it's head...


There is increasing scrutiny from community members investigating where these high value votes are going. It is possible to find cases where people who flag others for content being valued too high then have a pool of people they vote up to $1000+ on almost every post. The content is often subjectively average at best when comparing it to other content out there. This is a large amount of money being taken out of the pool. I have seen posts get flagged and reduced by such actors to zero or near zero while you follow their votes and see posts with a fraction of the work and effort in that content being elevated to stellar levels.

The argument then becomes... the system allows it.


Not everything can be solved by tweaking the code of the platform. Many of the solutions to the problems will likely require us as a community reacting and trying to find ways to steer this steem ship. Not everyone is going to like where the ship heads. It is reality that you cannot please everyone. You can try, and it is not wrong to try, but the reality is you will never be able to please everyone.


Here is the current distribution of accounts on the steem blockchain as of a few minutes ago. I pulled theses stats by visiting for those of you that may have been unaware of it's existence.

If we are going to refer to the term Whales as the uber powerful who can award a lot of money from a single vote it would seem there are 51 of those as of today out of 98,015 accounts.

Voting the Negative

There is a FLAG in steem though there really is no down vote arrow so to speak. The Flag is used in lieu of the down vote. It can have little power in the hands of some or immense power in the hands of others.

If I am a whale, or even just fairly high in that distribution chart it is possible for me to flag your post because I disagree with it or I think it has too high of a potential payout and drop it to a lower amount or in some cases even $0.

Many people would view this as an attack. It can be perceived as a hostile action. It is ALL in the perception. We can condition our minds to make almost anything acceptable or not acceptable.

Which way it should be conditioned is totally dependent upon you goals.


There are numerous people that are not even close to whales diving into the blockchain and doing investigations. They are finding cases where it seems those with power are using consistent accounts to FARM wealth from the system. They would like these investigations to stop because they believe it harms the image of steemit at a time when we want to attract more people. I guess when you get enough power you lose sight of the things that are going to be more likely to turn people away from steemit such as knowing they can have a post they worked hard on reduced to zero, or a low amount because someone did not like their post. It doesn't matter if 100+ people liked it. One person can make all of those other 100 people's votes of support irrelevant. I guess those high enough in the caste system that are calling for an end to the investigations don't see that as a negative image for steemit. @ats-david, @bacchists, and @klye have been investigators in the past. Currently @ats-david has a post which is a ghost on the system with 207 up votes and 6 flags. It is valued at $0 and the top comment is calling for the end of these investigations due to the harm they do.


In my case it is that one thing that has now stopped a dozen potential new users from joining steemit is not these investigations. It is the fact that someone can decide they don't like their post or that it is not worth as much as others thought it was worth and they can have that person cancel out the interests of others.

You see the money aspect exaggerates some things... good and bad.


Money is an important thing here. We like to go altruistic and say it is not, but it does matter. We've all felt the thrill of getting a reward for writing something, sharing something, etc.

It does matter.

People seem to think we need a down vote because places like reddit have one. Yet reddit can feel like descending into a cesspool at times due to the rampant down vote brigades and war like outbreaks that happen there.

This is where the exaggeration comes in. We are on the verge of that precipice and in some cases have already fallen over the edge. Yet here not only is it a number showing negative view of something it can perceptually take money from you. Just like money in play is reducing uncivil behavior, I also am starting to believe this aspect of the down vote exaggerates the anger and reactions of such an act.

So what?


Some people will say "So what?" people need to get a clue, or get over their egos, and perhaps go read author X, Y, or Z.

What are your goals?

Are your goals to have a niche group of users that agree with you? If so then ignoring the perceptions of others and passing them off as a waste of time and directing them in ways that will enable them to condition their minds to be more like YOU is the way to go. Bravo. If that is your goal then keep talking about the egos of others and suggesting authors to set them straight. You'll relegate steemit to a small population, and eventually it will be unseated. It is unavoidable on that path. Though that is a market, and that too may be acceptable.

Are your goals to leverage steemit and the steem blockchain and get as many people as we can using it, and change the world that way? If the answer is yes, then perceptions matter. Trying to make people think the way you do and ignoring the perceptions of others as unimportant is not only arrogant it is what NOT to do if your goal is to encourage mass adoption.


Given the activities that are going on, the transparency of the blockchain, and the disparity in power are you truly surprised these investigations are going on? If you are then you need to pull your head out of the sand. They are likely to increase. If you see someone say something untrue then challenge it with a post. Wielding power and smashing them does not help your cause. It just puts you in the cross hairs of future investigations. It also tells those of us with way less power who we definitely should not support as witnesses. We want witnesses who have our backs and the interest of the platform at heart, not witnesses who game the system and then crush people when it is pointed out. If you are gaming the system (even if it allows it) it is likely most of us won't want you as a witness. Doing something that is shady just because the code allows it is not something a lot of people will agree with.

The system does allow for a lot of things. That is simply because they don't know a code based way to address it. It does not mean it is acceptable. I could hire contract killers on steemit now if I wanted, the code supports it. That doesn't mean it is right.

You also need to stop running to the code as your solution, or the white paper when it paints the picture you want and ignoring it when it does not. This entire down vote to put money back into the pool is hypocrisy if you are then going to turn around and vote every single average post someone does to $1000+.

I see the white paper as an idea. It is a starting point. It is the initial vision. It is an experiment. I see the code as @dantheman and @ned doing their best to come up with what solutions they can. Some things we haven't determined how to address with code.

That does not mean it is immutable. It can change. That is kind of what the word BETA implies. Find the bugs, issues, and fix them.

Well we have some issues... and they will only get worse as more people join.


The blockchain does not permit censorship. The information is still out there.

That does not stop some people from trying to censor others.

My Solution/Pie in the Sky


Perhaps this is similar to Vermin Supreme promising "Ponies for everyone" if they elect him president. I don't know. It makes sense to me.

When we're in beta I'd encourage those in charge to consider TESTING it.... see if it works, and how it works rather than deciding it won't work without knowing.

Change the flag to something like this...


Remove the down vote for any other reason. See how the platform operates with the concept of up votes only. If you don't like something, don't vote for it.

I actually didn't know the flag existed for about a week when I started using steemit due to how well almost hidden in nature it is on the UI.

There does need a way to control spam, abuse, and plagiarism. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. There would need to way to dispute a flag as a false flag for people that attempted to flag things as spam, abuse, or plagiarism simply out of disagreement or because they think it is getting paid too much. Those people that can't give up their need to force their desires and interests upon others would likely not like being restricted from doing so.

Appeal of Steem Power


What is the appeal of steem power?

  • Long term investment and showing support for this grand experiment
  • You get more steem power without doing anything and that amount increases as your steem power increases
  • Your steem power determines how much you can reward others for their post
  • Your steem power determines how well you are paid for curation

An incentive for collecting steem power is the knowledge that you'll be able to up lift and PAY people with the results of your steem power you worked to build up. You will be able to support your interests.

So if you are interested in some really obscure thing and you build up your steem power to support it, why does it matter if others don't like that topic? It shouldn't matter at all. If you don't like it, don't look at it, and move on.

By giving people the ability to down vote those things you are taking away the rights of others to award value and monetary reward to the topics they are interested in. All it takes is someone of sufficient power who does not like a topic and they can effectively REMOVE one of the most appealing reasons to power up.

This needs to be stopped. It won't work in the long run. Well let me rephrase that. It will work but it will continue to be a very hostile environment.



Very well said. I have been shot sometimes as well from whales for pointing out similar issues. I have almost never got any whale vote other than from Dan. The rest of them are rather "sour" with my stance towards them.

Who would have thought. The people that joined cryptos to fight the system became the very thing they used to despise. Decentralised or not, some things never change.

I think we all see the amazing potential of this platform. That is why we are so passionate. We also see things that we believe can kill it.

It should be noted there are quite a few good whales that do not engage in this behavior, and there are some trying to stand in the middle between the two.

I know, I have noticed that already but the stakes are too high for them to engage in constructive dialogue. Most of them have done ROI already (long time now) and now is a battle of dick measuring or ressurecting old projects.

I guess money make some people behave silly. I am here because I love reading and writing and because I despise other social media much more. I would like to see some change in culture soon. Too much shitposting, too much shitupvoting.

The first thousand members, the active users, all of them should be treated like kings in order for them to invite more people—not scare them away. most people haven't even posted anything yet. they are scared shitless or discouraged.

ha ha! Money and power do strange things to most people.

Who would have thought. The people that joined cryptos to fight the system became the very thing they use to despise.

Exactly right! Surprisingly (or not), they can't even recognize that.

Wow this post is epic! Excellent job! I've upvoted, resteemee, promoted and now I'm following you!

Thank you. Appreciated. :)

Hi, a statement in brief: I'm a bitcoiner since many years. As I wanted to blog some of my thoughts, I entered 10 day ago. I'm a steemaniac now.
I already wrote a lot of interesting articles. The rewards were low, especially compared to others. I know my monetray (not ideal) success depends on the wales. But I will go on.
Visit @freiheit50

Yep keep on steemin on. I may post about this subject because I care about the community and I see the potential for steem/steemit to be a beacon of hope. Yet I've also seen some abuse and while it is in beta we want to fix that where possible.

I agree 100%! Problems are there to be fixed, and they will! Default is no option!
You are an execellent wirter!

I was on the phone with my bank last week and when I had completed my business and the up-sell commenced, not one of the products offered made any sense to use, and before I rang off, the banker asked me how I knew so much about finances! Good grief.

As a minnow considering my steemit foray, I can assure anyone who gives have a shyte that I would have figured this out in due time as well. I'm amazed at how brazen easy money makes most people. The standard justifications are widely accepted, "If I don't do it, someone else will"
"Most people don't understand the system, and that's no one's fault but their own."
I couldn't agree more that the downvote is suspect, a lack of transparency and weight being thrown around to occlude activities further, certainly do not encourage me to buy steem dollars nor participate as actively. A rigged system is a rigged system.

Yes, but it is important to recall it is beta. So if we are going to implement any fixes before it is no longer beta, now is the time to do it. I do think it could be limited. Gaming the system can never be completely eliminated. Yet there is a difference between sock puppets and being able to repress the rights of others. It is repressing the rights of others to support the things they are interested in that has me most concerned.

I agree with you. great post.

Thank you for this post, you summed it all up pretty neatly. You deserve a lot of votes for this. I will resteem this. This flagging has to stop, it might end up in all out war otherwise. I have even entertained notions like" the investigate-the- flaggers-and-flag- them collaborative whale account" and the like.

Yes, and consider the fact we have a pretty intellectual population on steemit now. What would this be like if the masses were actually here? In a world that is primarily emotion driven I see this warfare we are seeing here as being far bigger and crazed if the masses were involved.

I have read this post head to toe, every part and I have to admit that it surprises me firstly fore I was not particularly aware of this downflagging being done !! It has not been my experience at all. I think I did it just once, but I do believe my reasoning was correct in that case. But sure its a form of power, the whales, but have,nt they earned it for having brought with their investement this blockchain on which we communicate ourselves !! Itts a big crypto poker table, but with odds hopefully stacked in all our favour , those fish of all sizes that swim now who swim in this new ocean of potential . But when and i do say when , this site opens up to the world at large the steem power value will be less significant as whales will be by then less significant and they know it !Steem will be many decentralized beasts born from the ocean of thought of mankind in its entirety and across all known frontiers. With perhaps a known and defined political agenda,who knows, who cares as it will be visible and fightable by all of the ocean when necessary as we have seen with the swarming on trending posts to great effect. But again ALL is visible and available to anyone present on the system, there are checks and balance's to every system which can be in turn also transparent and accountable. Well I hope that this apparent disquiet in our community can be resolved soon as they could be conceived as a veritable spear in the side of this beautiful balloon which gently rises from the ground !! But a good read and upvoted .

Well let's put it this way. You mentioned poker. What if I am a whale and I really dislike poker. So I down vote flag posts about poker because I think they are worthless.

What does that say to the people that do like poker?

Is their interest meaningless due to a whale not liking the topic?

If so this platform is truly in trouble.

The easiest thing for the whale to do is not read posts about poker. Don't vote on posts about poker.

Yet it leaves the rights of people that do like poker to continue to award each other.

Also... for the record. It has not happened to me yet. I've seen it happen to quite a few people though. It is not just a whale issue. It can potentially be an issue when anyone of power to influence you down votes you.

So my question is this... If I don't like poker, why should I be able to impact the votes of you that do like poker? In my opinion it shouldn't mean a damn thing that I have no interest in poker. I just go vote for things I do have an interest in.

That way everyone can express their interests and it ceases being about others dictating what interests should be rewarded. Is the steem power I earned to reward as I see fit and exercise power truly worthless in the event someone with more power doesn't have the same interests as I do?

hello @dwinblood, i am sorry if my use of the word " poker " made you a little angry, as indeed in retrospect was probably not at all the right use of phrase concerning this subject being treated here. It was just an image of the risk investment involved and I think when one is confronted by such a thing its hard to digest and may put you in a vulnerable nervous space creating possibly later irrational reactions. I am not advocating at all what might be happening. But I think I made it clear in my first comment that this downvoting i did not see or experience personally. but I can see and understand that this has been your case perhaps and so i do understand your anger As anything abused brings harm for sure. We need balance here and support, not the reverse, its clear.

So you say too like me that you have not personally been down voted. But you create this post just to bring light to it !! I see ! Well I think the Witness might be a good solution no?? So maybe suggest it up ! I am really not in a posistion to put pressure anyhwere. It just needs to be addressed perhaps and this system of checks and balance be brought to bear before we leave Beta. As yes it could and yes will do damage potentially to the Steemit politics of doing things I feel. A great community we are and we should remain so no @dwinblood? So with all that said I now upvote your determination and sense of right and wrong here on this platform and the community present and future. may the Force be with you ; - )

It didn't make me angry at all. I have noting against poker. It was just something you mentioned that gave me something to use as an example. :)

If you had commented about Fish I could have made my response to you about fish. Poker just happened to be a TOPIC I could use as an example. So take my response to you and insert ANY TOPIC you like and it will hopefully illustrate what I was saying.

Also, I am not angry. I am definitely concerned. :)

Right you are then !! so put like that it,s clear that a downvote can be seen as a weapon to your economy and reward of course. So does it have a negative effect on your reputation also?? I am not sure either !!
Perhaps it might be a good thing that in the instance of a flag being made, that this could be exposed in writing from both parties to explain the reasoning to our trusted witnesses system say !! A " judgement " to be made for the better of the community as a whole, that its settled by a recognized group without it being , my concern, visible to other,s outside our platform !! Could this be a way @dwinblood ?? that if later the witness,es were to estimate that the flag in question was a knee jerk style reaction and not particularly fair, it could be reversed and the rewards calculated before the flag be reallocated to the offended user ??
this subject worries me and I am fairly new here !! ; - ) I do not have really any details of what is being reported here as again I say I have been ever downvoted myself.. But I do see you making an opinion that must be perhaps looked into somehow and resolved if possible. We must preserve the good behavior we i think see generally here, or we will be just like all the rest !! Do we need to be if we build a machine which does work for the better good of All, Big and small we can enjoy a civility and gain through¡this way to Unilateral reward.

I like the idea of the witnesses being able to arbitrate on such decisions if it is a case of false flag. You can't really reward the person after the fact since it is pulled from the steem pool for the day it was awarded.

As to reputation if someone with a greater reputation (note: reputation system is not same as steem power. @stellabelle is one of the highest reputations but is not a whale) down votes your post it can negatively impact your reputation. This has been tweaked quite a bit so I am not absolutely certain how the reputation system works at this point. It seems pretty effective. It also protects you from negative votes from people of lower reputation than you. Again, I am not sure how it is.

As to being new here... I started on July 7th. I love the idea and see it's brilliant potential. I also see these blemishes and I haven't been on the receiving end, but I've witnessed it and I extrapolate that to what happens when someone really wealthy buys into steem and purchase a bunch of steem power outright? Yes, that will increase the value of steem and will be beneficial to value of our investments... but there is also a negative. They now have the power to down vote into oblivion any topic they don't like, or anyone who disagrees with them.

Anyone that thinks this will not happen with the current system is I believe deluding themselves.

It is in beta, so part of me speaking up is trying to get positive changes in place before the end of beta if there is still time.

Once we are out of beta then posts like this would only really be useful for community organization.

I am not an expert in Steemit but I like the idea of flagging just the spam an abusive actions! Congrats! I'm your follower after reading this post!

When @ned and @dantheman upvoted @ats-david s first investigation, I felt better about investing in the system, because the Blockchain was working to protect "All" investors. Yes, it is a Free platform, but it is a visible platform, meaning that any abuses taking place could be published, keeping investors of all levels in check with their behavior. For now my wallet is firmly closed.

The fact that @steemed came to my page to reply to a comment on David's post also made me feel he didn't want to have the conversation on David's post and bring attention to it. Hmm, I always thought I wanted a whale comment.

The fact that @steemed came to my page to reply to a comment on David's post also made me feel he didn't want to have the conversation on David's post and bring attention to it.

Last time he did that, Dan gave him a taste of his own medicine. I'm not sure that he wanted to do that again. Unlike him, I'm not afraid to speak up in the face of threats and punishment. Flagging be damned! I still have my integrity.

Yeah, without the ability to cancel out the interest of others I think it can work. Yet the down vote has abilities it should not have for this to succeed. That is my opinion and until it is put to the test it seems to work in my mind to not have down votes for disagreement, or payment amount. IF we test it and it does have problems, I'd be content to move on. Yet, I know people that despise reddit. It does have a lot of users, but it also has a lot of people that will not use it. So is it what we should emulate, or should we try a new path?

Obviously, the whales are very smart people. What we are seeing right now is a gut reaction. It doesn't mean they don't think about these things after the comments, flags, etc.

I am hoping they will realize, yes, they can engage in the current activities, but ultimately it is going to impact their investment. They have more to win or lose than the rest of us.

I think we need to keep raising concerns, allow some time for them to digest the information and react.
If they hope to attract new money and new users a focus on retention is needed. If they don't they are going to watch those power downs mean less and less every week.

That is exactly made the post. Ultimately it is the whales who call the shots on this platform. This post was intended as a few of things.

  • Illustrate differences in perceptions
  • Illustrate instances where people are arguing in such a way that they become hypocrites.
  • Illustrate yet again, as I have many times how damaging the current down vote system is to perception of the platform
  • Make people realize that in an environment where money matters, voting down topics you dislike from a financial perspective is no different from censorship. The words were there, but their ability to receive rewards from people that WANTED to hear their message is cancelled by people who DON'T WANT that type of message mentioned. In a world where finances are important, they may not be able to devote the time to offer such content. Unless we get the people saying THEY SHOULD DO IT FOR FREE in an environment where others are posting easy things to post and making a lot of money. Yeah, that argument is REALLY convincing.(sarcasm)
  • Make people think
  • Make people fixated in their views possibly consider there may be something to other views.
  • Help the platform so we can grow it

I also did not name any specific whales as I don't want the whales to react in any other way than to possibly start THINKING about what is actually good for the platform rather than defending the actions of a few that does have really negative connotations for the platform.

For those taking such actions and being the ones gaming the system maybe they'll start to think of long term implications of their actions rather than the short term goals of how much they can suck out of the system.

So if you are interested in some really obscure thing and you build up your >steem power to support it, why does it matter if others don't like that topic? It >shouldn't matter at all. If you don't like it, don't look at it, and move on.


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Upvoted. Interesting read :)