Something beautiful happened yesterday that taught people valuable lessons. A take-out vegan restaurant I was in had a crash with its system and was unable to use credit/debit cards or any other type of electronic payment. They had to default to cash. It was a simple situation, but no one in line had cash except for me. When the employee announced that they could only accept cash as payment and apologized for the inconvenience, he asked if anyone had cash. I raised my hand and was able to cut to the front of the line and order my food. While I sat down at a table and waited for my food to come, the rest of the people in line stood there like zombies, waiting for the system to come back online, but it never did. As my food arrived, I ate it and watched as the patrons slowly but surely all gave up hope and went elsewhere. This was a microcosm of what will happen when this current system collapses, only there will be nowhere to turn for sound money except that which has actual value in the physical world. And the crash won't be temporary, it'll be permanent. You won't be able to just walk across the street to another place of business and hope for better results. If all of your "wealth" is in digital ether, it is 100% dependent on the electronic technology to facilitate its use. If that goes out, then so too does your "wealth." It will occur like a game of musical chairs once the music stops, but there will be a lot less chairs available than people seeking them, and instead of trying to win a game, people will be trying to win their right to survive. Think there won't be violence? You're naive.
When the Truth comes out, as it's starting to with Wells Fargo's millions of fraudulent accounts, these coins will protect your exposure to the counterparty risk that unsecured creditors assume the burden of when their money is in a bank. These coins will ensure that you maintain Allodial title to your wealth outside of that system as the state tries to coerce you into a cashless system. These coins will increase your purchasing power should the consequences of unfettered money creation, artificially low interest rates, and price manipulation come crashing down during your lifetime, like it's happening in Venezuela right now, where one ounce of silver will purchase 6 months worth of living expenses and an ounce of gold will buy a house. Or in a simpler alternative, these coins will protect your wealth when the rest of the world decides to reject the USD as the world's reserve currency and everything you've ever worked for becomes even more worthless than the paper it's not printed on. One does not buy these coins to make profit unless he or she is a trader. He or she reserves his/her seat in the next paradigm by acquiring physical wealth.
There has never been a more significant time to get out of digital ether, illusory wealth, and get back into honest, physical wealth, which is why the eastern part of the world, specifically Asia, is doing just that. One can never own anything he or she acquired by discharging debt (Federal Reserve Notes; fiat paper promissory notes), which is why he or she never owns his or her property and must pay taxes on it. It's because Americans are not using real money, and the whole system is predicated on that now. That's how they tricked you into trapping yourself in Commerce, a.k.a Roman Civil Law, Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea. The Constitution is irrelevant in such kangaroo courts because the Constitution is the Law of the Land and when you go into any court in the USA, you'll see an American flag with gold trim around its edges. That is a Maritime Admiralty Law flag, not an American flag. Under such circumstances, which stem from the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933, the US Citizen is a glorified tenant that merely has use of property he or she does not in reality own. Think this is a joke? Look at your Driver's License, your atm/debit card, birth certificate (note that a certificate is a document that evidences ownership or debt), or any other document involving Commerce. Your name is in all-capital letters. This is called Capitis Diminutio Maxima, which, under Roman Civil Law, is the most severe and comprehensive loss of status, from freedom to bondage.
When people finally grow up and realize the fact that sovereigns don't buy or purchase land, that they convert gold and silver into land, thus acquiring Allodial title to their land, the States will focus on their own self-preservation and make gold and silver legal tender again to attract people with real wealth, because the majority of Americans are clueless and will be left with nothing once the music of this debt-based paradigm stops. As long as man's laws exist, and people agree to steal freedom for a paycheck to enforce them, one cannot be sovereign in that system while using imaginary, agreed upon currency as money. It is not money, but the ghost of money, a wraith, a phantom, a thought form. Anyone getting into cryptocurrencies, or other alternative imaginary video game-like currencies, in this economic cycle does not understand the nature of the current condition their country is in. Switching from one illusory black magick monetary system into a new illusory black magick monetary system is not a conscious solution.
People will discover that in order for the treasonous criminals to sustain artificially low prices of gold and silver (to make the USD look strong), they had to flood the market with Fort Knox's gold to make it seem like there was an abundance of it on the market and thus more supply than demand. This has led to the majority of the western world's gold being bought up by Asian countries at artificially low prices. They're just sitting back and waiting for us to destroy ourselves. So not only does the majority of Americans NOT have gold and/or silver, but when everyone tries to get back into it, there will not be enough to go around. All it will take is for the billionaires and millionaires to start buying and it will be gone before the average person can even call a coin shop to see what their business hours are. You've been had. The first step to taking back control of your life is to admit you've been had and then take massive action reposition yourself. I wish you nothing but the Universe's best in that endeavor.
If you live in the US and you're interested in eliminating counterparty risk and your exposure to this illusory paradigm, and would like to attain Allodial title to your wealth that will at least maintain its value during this uncertain economic cycle while we transition to something else, numismatic coins are the best option. They cost a little bit more than standard bullion, but they are not as susceptible to the price manipulation because they are limited in supply and have collectable value.
If you're looking for a great numismatic coin , go here:
The following video will show you the primary problem with digital currency. This type of activity already happened to Bitcoin once before. It cannot happen to gold and silver, because regardless of perception, an ounce of gold or silver will always remain an ounce of gold or silver unless it is melted down.
While Bitcoin is awesome and deserves to be included in one's portfolio during good times, when it comes to a system collapse, it will be utterly useless in a time of necessity because, outside of a small percentage of people who use it, most people don't even know what it is. It has no history as money and thus no ability to sustain an egregor in a time of necessity.
You make a really good point. I think the time is now to get in.. Well really it was a few years ago, but you can still find some startups and make money now, then cash out like a mad man. I do not have total faith in this system either and eventually I think it will collapse as well, however when it does collapse.. and all electronics go all money will go... maybe not immideately but soon enough that sounds like some "end of the world" sort of stuff, so I agree and disagree. Definitely don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Great post!!! You had me at.. vegan restaurant haha good for you!
I agree with you. In no way would I discourage people from investing into alternative markets and exploring that, but it's important to be aware of our current economic cycle! Thanks for your contribution :)