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RE: Getting Started Mining Steem on Windows [Step by Step Guide]

in #steemit9 years ago

Fantastic Guide! I "voted" for this (although, I must admit I don't really know too much about this steemit stuff yet to know what that does for you and/or me). Miner seems to be running fine.
Two questions though...
#1 - I already have 3 Steem Power in my account (it was in there before the miner even got synchronized). Is that normal?
#2 - You stated "– All you have to do now is to wait for your miner to first find a POW block and then put you in the Miner-witness queue until your turn comes in to confirm a block in order to get your reward transferred to your account". What do I need to do when this happens? Do I somehow have to "confirm" the block? I can see the current list of Witnesses and the Queue -- but once I find a block and get on there, is there something more I need to do?

Thanks for giving me something new to mess with on a Friday night. Staring at my Ethereum miners was getting a little boring.


When you signup on you get some free Steem Power as a start, it should be the equivalent of 10 Steem Dollars I think, so that is why you already have some in your account's wallet.

When you get in the witness queue list everything is still happening automatic like the mining process, there is no need to do anything manually.

Steem mining is done using the CPU of the computer, so if you are mining on a GPU(s) on the same system and max out the processor load with mining threads it can result in drop of the GPU mining hashrate. You can lower the number of mining threads or lower the priority of the process and increase the priority for the other GPU mining process from the task manager.

One thing I initial setup of the Steem Miner did something to my Claymore Miner (GPU = ETH/SIA) that caused the hash-rates to drop to zero. Played around with Virtual Memory a bit without much luck. Dropped the number of threads back by 1 in the config.ini file and everything is running "normal" now (but pretty much maxed out all around -- SpeedFan is having a hard time keeping everything at a reasonable temp...LOL). Next project is going to be how to get mining rig #2 set up to also mine Steem with the same Wallet.

Thanks again for the great guide!!