Excellent post and some great ideas there, all of which I know you do exceptionally well. Thank you @thecryptofiend
Below is a link to the Facebook page which I help run with @samstonehill. We have whales and we have newbies. We number just over 100 and there is always someone around, 24/7 as we have members right around the globe.
I am familiar with the dedication of @pfunk for which he merits our recognition and thanks. He cannot do it all and would suggest that people are referred to us because one answer often leads to another question or several. We have the capacity and the environment to assist and help people get their steemit experience off to a more confident and inclusive start.
My twitter address is @edward_bryans
Come and join us at:Aspiring Steemit Whales and Dolphins - You will be most welcome.
Thanks I may already be a member but Facebook seems to show and hide groups at random for me! Will go and take a look when I have a moment:) Am going to listen to Steemit Talk Podcast now:)