Day ten without a cigarette (part 1)

in #steemit8 years ago

Today is my tenth day without a cigarette. I've smoked everyday for the past 12 years, except in bootcamp in 2005 for two months. I was young and dumb when I finished bootcamp, if I would have known what was good for me I would have never started back up.
My story starts like many others. I wanted to be cool, and rebellious so I tried my first cigarette. I scored it off of a kid on the school bus that lifted a pack off of his old man. It was a Winston full flavor, and you would have thought he handed me a kilo of cocaine when he pulled out that single cigarette and handed it to me when I was walking off the school bus! My heart dropped! I played it off cool though! I dropped it into the pocket of my button up shirt, and kept walking like nothing ever happened.
As I walked down the driveway to my house, about a 1/4 of a mile, I pulled the cigarette out and examined it. I must have studied it for 10 minutes or better. Neither of my parents smoked, and I had never touched a cigarette until that day. I lived in rural West Tenessee so I decided to take a hike with my new little friend. I crossed the road in front of my house, and headed toward the tree I often climbed to watch deer in the evenings.
I climbed my tree, and got in a comfortable position. It was a beautiful fall day, I'll never forget it! I put the cigarette to my lips, and lit it with the long tip grill lighter that my dad used to light charcoal. I inhaled the smoke and instantly started coughing! Everything got dizzy for five seconds, but I held the cigarette tight. I made sure I smoked the whole thing because I wanted to explain my experience to my friends.
It's amazing the things that our senses can remember. To this day on a nice fall day I can still remember the enjoyment that I got from that first puff. I can still taste the fall air!

I will continue this story tomorrow if there is enough interest. I think a daily blog on my struggles and reflection on smoking might just help me. Thanks for your support!


Smoking is a monster you have to beat. Make sure you put Alan Carr handy

Alan Carr Handy?? Who's that? Thanks for the support!

The Easy Way is a book written by Alan Carr which helps you quit smoking

Thanks! I checked out Alan Carr on YouTube! Wow there are 1000's of people that claim reading his book made them stop! That's wild!

In my experience it's only hard to stop smoking when others are around you smoking. I always suggest taking a 1 month break from people you know that smoke while you quit.

I just have to fight it! I work in a boiler room in TN, and you could only imagine at the amount of smokers I work with! I will say they have all been very supportive of me quitting, and none of them have tempted me at all.

Keep your eyes peeled for part 2 if you're interested. There's a reason I quit smoking that I will get to in a later post! Thanks for your support! It means a lot!

Np i'll follow your profile to make sure. I work in warehousing 500 employees and I swear at least 40% smoke and struggle to quit because of it, it's good that people are being supportive good luck man.

And the part two? nice. upvoted!:D

Part two will be released tomorrow! I don't want to make my post too long, because people tend to lose interest if they have to read a 30 min blog. Thank You so much for your support! It truly makes a difference when you get positive feedback!

Perfect! upvoted me?

Yes I upvoted you! I truly appreciate the support!