I always love your honesty Jerry. That you do it for your own inner peace is fantastic. We should do what makes us feel good in our hearts. As anyone with money can testify, that is the most important thing in life! Being rich and miserable is even worse than being poor and miserable as you have no excuse!
My opinion on this is pretty clear.. I am an Anarchist at heart, and I love the idea of not having too many rules set by one body that governs everyone.. I think its great that everyone has the choice to upvote themselves or not. I think the only reason people complain is because of jealousy, and i think jealousy is a very dark and destructive force. What is it anyone else's business who someone chooses to upvote.. Why is it any better or worse to upvote yourself or someone else?
If we feel moved to upvote others then that is great! If we have enough power and money to upvote ourselves to the tune of $100 we probably don't even care about the money.. For most people with a lot of money, its the message that becomes important, and those that have invested (i think) have a right to get their point seen since they have a vested interest in the system.
If we are integrous, we upvote our own posts because we want our point of view to be heard. That was the case for me today! I read a scare mongering post about the crash of Cryptocurrencies and i didnt really enjoy reading that post.. SO i commented on it to try to encourage people to not panic and sell etc.. I then upvoted my own comment (i have a little bit of power) and didn't upvote the main post because i didnt like it.. I had two people who seemed quite upset about it.. This annoyed me because it seemed people were more stuck in a 'poor me' attitude concerned about getting money and upvotes than the content itself. Let's be honest, if we scrapped self upvoting, people who were trying hard but not yet successful would still be getting upset!
I would say to people who are upset about self voting to let it go and focus instead on making amazing passionate content. Then your time, and upvotes will come!
Sorry if i sound a bit feisty, i think the full moon is out!
Full moons make me self upvote more too I think.