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RE: How can certain posts make thousands in a day.

in #steemit9 years ago

Unfortunately, what is a "Good post" is entirely subjective and depends on what whale is looking where .

I mean, was the post that was just a picture of marijuana with "Hey guys, what you smoking?" Under it really a good post?


There are a ton of posts, and only 100 or so whales. So you can't expect them to read through all of the content put on the site. Your best bet for success is to appeal to everyone, whales will be more likely to check out posts that are rising and hot (because of lots of votes) then posts buried somewhere. Get out there, get posting, get chatting and get people to know who you are.

Gotcha. Thanks

Today's whales are just early investors.
At least half of them smoke or vape.... so it becomes a good post... but do not forget - that was yesterday.
Tomorrows trend will be something else.
Have fun )

Thanks for the input

What in the world is a whale. lol

A whale is usually a huge mammal sea creature, but on #steemit, it is somebody with a lot of steempower in their steemit wallet.

LMAO, ok I C. Well damn I need a whale or two in this piece.