You could start posting encrypted messages today. It won't make you popular, but you don't need anybody's permission to post gibberish instead of English. You'd just have to share a password with the reader, so they can decrypt it in an offline app.
Steem is not nearly anonymous enough to publish illegal content safely. Monero will be completely anonymous when Kovri is implemented to hide IP addresses, but posting content on the Monero blockchain would be ridiculously expensive.
You know what keeps me awake at night? At the moment, I'm afraid it's easier to buy or exchange child porn on the internet than to download it for free. It's shared in darknet forums where members have to upload their own videos in order to prove that they're actual pedophiles rather than police officers. So they're encouraged to create new material. I hope that technology which makes it safe to share child porn for free will ruin this market and lead to less victims. Does that outweigh allowing more exposure for existing victims? I think it does.