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RE: Steemit's Problems

in #steemit8 years ago

Just discovered your channel and like your video here. Saw another one as well and you seem to have a very rational view on things. I agree with you on many topics you address. On marketing: is indeed very welcome, especially since STINC now has 2 marketing guys you would expect some proper marketing plans getting in place and executed, but the community is left in the blind. On Steemit UI: it may very well be that STINC does not see the UI as its business, maybe they had in mind to launch Steem, add a service on top of it and then market the coin as a future payment coin or something with the blogging service as a field test tool and marketing tool for the coin and for that the UI does not have to be good at all. Since in marketing the rule is: Let others talk about you good or bad, that doesnt matter.


The community itself is doing the marketing, which is nice, but if both sides of the platform were going full out then exponential growth naturally could be accelerated. But hey, good publicity or bad publicity.. in the end it all helps monetize.

Well marketing also alines with product management, and I do not see proper product management. The look/feel of the Steemit UI is really dramatic and looks like if HTML was just invented. And what about adding revenue models to Steem and Steemit? Anyway, STINC marketeers probably spending their time to promote STINC at conferences, rather than supporting the creation of sustainable business models for Steem and Steemit.