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RE: Steemit Suggestions and Rationale. I hope that this will make people think their own thoughts.

in #steemit8 years ago

I bookmarked this one as per your suggestion @ebryans, and today found time to actually read.

I agree with many of the basics, you articulated in your post, of what Steemit shall be about. If it is a money thing, than it will fail. The funds made available each day will not pay for the hours spend on creating appealing content, for sure not when we will have 100s of thousands to millions of active bloggers.

Steemit shall be something else indeed!

Regarding your suggestions what and how to change things, I have not an opinion since I cannot foresee the consequences of it. On top of your ideas, I can throw many other ideas how to actually generate more funds, wether that be through Steem value increase against FIAT currencies, or the ability to generate more Steem every day, or a combination of both.

I actually think that we (while we are still in beta) will have to test quite a few different models. Those models that we can test by procedure, lets agree and execute those ASAP. Those that require code changes, lets list them and priorities for development.

We need a better way of bringing the various ideas of our community members together. We need a better way to inform the community on what is technical possible, and what is not (today) and what the consequences are when changing the models and code.

For instance: to allow only 1 individual to have 1 account, somehow the real identity of the individual is required to be mapped to the Steemit virtual identity. Although @timcliff and @abit generally state this is not possible (they are right in the sense that how Steemit/Steem is developed today it cannot be done), I think it is possible, whether that be something build internal into Steemit/Steem, or use some external 3rd party company/service for the identity establishment and verifications. The consequence is that we cannot be 100% anonymous anymore, or at least not in the chain, meaning we can still be anonymous here on Steemit, but somewhere there is a mapping between virtual identities and real identities. Knowing that, we first need to agree as a community if we find such consequence acceptable and secondly if we find such consequence more or less important to an one account per one individual requirement. Maybe we don't need this to make Steemit a success, may we do need it to not allow Steemit to die; Who knows at this stage? Fact for me is: We need structured idea exchange; We need solid discussions on how to progress Steemit; We need to find models and solutions to test; We need to agree on what we test; We need to agree on what to implement etc. Hence we need a less chaotic way of communication through numerous posts and comments here on Steemit now (some posts and comments are read, some others are not because thse users are not visible); We need a more structured approach supported by tools here on Steemit (or outside Steemit, but I prefer within Steemit) which requires (some) UI (and maybe some backend) development. Unfortunately I'm not technical enough to really understand the work and time required, but I'm technical enough to understand when some engineer explains me.

I'll be more than happy to contribute to such more structured way of evolving Steemit.


If I can do that ...
Anyway, is anonymity so valuable? One may not agree with the tax structure under which you must succumb. Then move country if it is that important. Being able to say what you want without repercussions is a fairly puerile concept anyway. Responsibility is for adults. Hence, I use my real name but I do not mind the use of pseudonyms - fine by me.
If we want to make a difference in this world, we need to be responsible for ourselves first, then the society in which we live.
Thank you again. Please help me resolve the ID issue and a brighter future awaits! Namaste.My friend, @edje, if I may be so presumptuous. I thank you for your opinions and your willingness to contribute to the conversation. I do not presume to be right about any of it. I simply try to point towards a better system. In terms of anonymity, it takes me about three clicks to find anyone. I was challenged on this by a whale and sent them their Financial Reports for the previous year within 15 minutes. I am not techie, let me assure you!

Hey @ebryans. Anonymity: I agree, for most Steemit members it'll be quite easy to find real identities, I'm very sure of that. Intro pictures + Google image search; Real Names etc. I was in a conversation with some other people regarding anonymity, and got a clear message "when Steem/Steemit" is not 100% anonymous anymore, than I'll leave. The question is: what percentage of the community is in favour for absolute 100% anonymity? And what percentage is not? And also, shall we create something that stays absolutely 100% anonymous? Or shall we deviate from it?

BTW what is 100% anonymity? Most Steemit posts and comments I'm writing from a geo location with fixed IP address, with the help of some engineer, I can be found quite easily (I think) although I do not use my real name here, and I didn't use an email address that can directly be linked to me; However, with some further digging I'm sure even that email address can be linked to me as a person.

Thank you , thank you!
Incidentally, what hope do you think a Social Media platform has of going mainstream if most of the characters on it are pseudonyms? Hence, I was hoping that might be different ... but no.
So, there is left a gap for real people. There still remains the struggle over ID of individuals. If you know how to resolve that ... finger printing is a way ... people have to go to lengths to circumvent that one.
Retina scanning and such is just too expensive.
Maybe there is a community system or a steemit passport ... I continue to seek the holy grail.
Thank you for your positive approach - I wish we were greater in number.

No solution yet to include real identity :( I can imagine some open source projects already trying to come up with solutions that are inexpensive or even free of charge? maybe linking to governments (now I upset some or more of the Steemers I think)?