Here at Steemit we have various tools for community members to discover posts and to decide which to open and actually read. Before coming to the main question of the post "What Makes You Decide to Open and Read a Post?", I list the various methods the post of your community members are made visible to you.
We have a set of general channels on Steemit where posts can be visible.
- NEW: this is the channel where each new posts becomes visible in chronological order of submission time to the platform.
- HOT: based on some algorithm for each post it is determined how 'hot' the post is; when your post is 'hot' it may get to the top of the channel; any post regardless how hot or not it is will only stay for a certain amount of time visible in this channel; even posts with 100s of votes and 100s of $ value will not stay at the top of this channel for very long; generally you see posts submitted in the last couple of hours in this channel.
- TRENDING: posts that gets lot of attention in form of votes and rewards will end up in the top of this channel; unlike the 'Hot' channel, you generally see older posts here, submission times ranges from several hours to days.
- PROMOTED: unlike the previous described channels, the poster has influence on the position of its post in relation to the other posts in the channel; based on the promotion amount paid for the post, the post get its position; the post with the highest promotion value will end up at the top; you can promote your own post but can also promote other members posts; posts in this channel stay visible for 24 hours after paying a promotion amount in Steem Back Dollars (SBD).
In addition to the general channels, every user also has its own channel, the 'HOME' channel.
- HOME: the home channel is entirely under control of you; all posts of the community members you are following will end up in this channel; you have further control over this channel by the MUTE button that can be enabled for each followed member individually; for any followed member that is muted the posts of this muted member will not be shown in the HOME channel.
Tags (topic channels)
Steemit allows the author of the post to add tags to the post. These tags create sub-channels aka topic channels. Tags are entirely under control of the author of the post and up to 5 tags can be entered in the 'Tag' field at the bottom of the post editor screen. Tags doesn't have to be an existing tag, it can be anything you as the poster want to create. The most common tags are listed at the right side of the screen when you view one of the general channels previously mentioned.
When you like to find some particular post based on keywords, Steemit has a search capability. It works quite similar to Google Search and allows ordering of the results based on relevance and time of posts.
Questions to YOU
I would like to ask you several questions to understand better the way you are using Steemit. This information can be used to further optimise Steemit user interface as part of roadmap development. May I ask you to give your feedback to the following questions in a comment to this post?
- What Makes You Decide to Open and Read a Post?
- What Discovery Tools Are You Using to Discover Posts for Reading?
- What Discovery Tools Outside Steemit Are You Using?
- What Discovery Tools Are You Missing?
- What Promotion Tools Are You Using to Promote Your Posts?
I'm Looking forward to all your responses.
follow me @edje
Strong Logo! Curiosity because topic is from a valuable author and my mood what I am interested to read at the moment.
Thank YOU.... I discovered something today, my comment votes are 3ct worth nowadays. 1ct more than last week or 2!
That's a good feeling. I had to wait for this over 8 months and BTW sometimes I am not always in the mood to read serious topics and just like to see nice pictures or listen to music or check out silly memes. The really good topics I usually bookmark and read later.
Thanks for your feedback. Which channels are you generally using to discover posts?
First I check posts from all my followers and vote, bookmark if I don't read right away. Then I check in Hot but not very often in trending page
Thank YOU.
I think a very logical order. Some of the Steemians look a lot at NEW channel, but these members focus on newbies. Guilds do that as well. I may mix my way of work, depends on my mood. IN new channel I also see those post that end up in my HOME channel, so I may go first to New channel and later to HOME to go deeper into the post listings of those I follow.
I prefer to support the members I chose to follow and when I have time left I check in New but I follow over 1300 so it keeps me busy anyways
Setuju mamma, dua jempol untuk @edje (two thumbs for @edje). Bagaimana dengan minyak kelapanya mamma? (How about your coconut oil?)... Ha..ha..! (Just kidding/bercanda):)
Ada banjak coconuts in my dreams haha
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I see 2 times my Steemit username, so I hope it good hahaha Upvoted for sure!
Oh...sorry. I talk in. Bahasa Indonesia with mamma. Ha....ha. It is about your posting, I just give two tumbs. Nice ! :)
My comment was more a joke, I kind of got that message from your post although not knowing the language LOL Thanks man!
Good Topic that is On point. Front pic, that is in relation to what is being posted to. Decent formatting. Effort and quality train of thought.
Walls of plain text and with only indents will get me to click off, especially if my eyes are already tired, and it is late at night.
I totally agree. Sometimes it's too much to read. All depends what time of the day
Yes, exactly.
Thanks :)
I hear you! :) Best to have some formatting + listings indeed. I always try to put some images as well to break the text. Otherwise the post may seem a long read. Thanks for reading and your comments.
Most welcome.
Yes, make it flow and match the thought, instead of one long run on block of text.
Certainly :)
Same here. Main points are a good starting picture and a catchy title, which can go two ways, either the title is INTERESTING or DIFFERENT or the title is USEFUL, i.e. a topic that I need or am interested in. I also really like seeing formatting such a headers. It makes the post easier to read.
A concise but meaty header.
Yep :) Thank you for your feedback.
What tools do you use to discover posts?
oh...I use the home/new/hot/etc in the upper left. I use the tags at the bottoms of posts. I use the Search tool when I'm flummoxed. I still get lost a bit but that's true in my own non-virtual neighborhood so there's that. I do wish when I click on a link to the non-steemit world it wouldn't take me out of steemit but would open in a new window automatically instead. I right-click now to do that manually when I remember.
Oh, that is a really good one!
Happy to help in my non-technically adept way : )
Thank YOU :)
Nice pic, catchy subject, a bit of curiosity, a bit of luck
Left mouse button and a finger tapping on a screen. Looking at trending and my own feed. Followed users that either interacted with me in past or found their content interesting.
I have no idea.
I've posted my link few times on #postpromotion channel at
Thank YOU for your feedback!
You use channels and discord servers to promote your posts?
Twitter and Facebook (Steemit groups)?
Only, I think discord is a case of "form over content".
No, I'm no longer using Twitter or Facebook, take a look at my intro post ;)
Ok Ok, st*id question :) I'm not that anti waht we have today, better use it to your advantage than try to be an idealist. Better to reach my goals by using the system then fighting it :)