I'm really torn on this. One the one hand:
And if we weed out some of the crap, then there are more vests in the rewards pool for those working hard.
Absolutely true.
On the other hand, 90% of anything is crap, so if that ratio is constant* then all that's really happening is that we're losing people who want to make an above-minimum wage rate on an article.
- I won't even get into whether or not a lot of the low-quality content comes from areas where the economy is such that even a few bucks are a major income except to say if that perception is true, then a falling STEEM value actually enriches the crap %.
"I won't even get into whether or not a lot of the low-quality content comes from areas where the economy is such that even a few bucks are a major income except to say if that perception is true, then a falling STEEM value actually enriches the crap %."
valid point, lets hope that it does not enrich the % crap