Everyone i personally know is leaving steemit.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

You as a community need to ask yourselves why.

A lot of power hungry people stepping on little guys.

A lot of attitude unwarranted making people feel unwanted and victimized.

We came here to write and share content and instead we are just attacked.

You need to work together to stamp abuse out. Abuse the abusers instead of being just like the rest of society and stand idly by while people are attacked for either work people don't agree with or because people quickly shout plagiarized without fact checking.

Also abusing the down vote button causes content to become hidden. The little people won't stay if while they are growing you are treating them like shit. Some work on here is utter garbage yes. Some people are really trying though. Disgusting behavior.

This is only my opinion but i have seen atleast 10-15 people i know personally quit steemit. If i personally know them then that is a very bad trend being set into motion. You can moan at this post or you can ensure abuse and talking rubbish for the sake of it is met with a defensive community.

I wouldn't waste your time commenting on this as a response to me as i wont be coming back for a long time. Just please think before you speak, Treat others how you yourself will be treated? That's all people ask.

I have an investment account which is idle so i really do hope steemit is successful but right now personally i wont be here to see it for a while. Wish you all the best though as i would never wish harm on others regardless whats said to me. Bad karma and all that. Much love.


Some people are builders and some people are consumers. This site is in the building phase which means it not cut-out for everyone. Some people like to have everything nice and neat and perfect which is fine. If they can't help improve the site at this stage then it's better for them to come later when it's more mature.

Please can you give some specific examples and cases so we can look at what's going wrong

You took the words out of my mouth