you have whales falling out your arse? i had a successful post on my blog. don't pretend it isn't down to whether or not a whale upvotes your post. i had 1 whale upvote mine and it went triple digit. you can see on my posts for yourself! This was only half the truth leaving out the important fact that 3 powerful whales out weigh 300 normal upvotes? you always have a very one sided view as you are a whales favorite... thats like working for a bank being given millions then being asked what you think of that bank. You will have nothing publicly bad to say. (to protect that income) I will attack non legitimate whales regardless of upvotes or flags. Its not fair on the noobs!
if I got whales falling out my arse, either somebody wake me up - or who the fuck slipped such damn good psychedelics into my coffee...??? :-D