steemcleaners is a fake, hypocritical "cleaner" service

in #steemit7 years ago

Recently I had two posts downvoted by steemcleaners: (NSFW) (NSFW)

These dimits at steemcleaners decided to downvote the posts because there is no source cited. But the sources they listed for each post, are just tumblr blogs, repost websites, of people doing the exact same thing as I am, taking some pictures, and reposting them.

[-]steemcleaners72 · 9 hours ago

snapadult is NOT a source, it's just a website that finds and reposts pictures.

steemcleaners72 · 7 hours ago
Source: is NOT a source, it's just a website that finds and reposts pictures. The same as I'm doing.

Citing some other random website and claiming it as a source does NOT make it the real source of the material, it's just another random website that has the same content posted. This is the competency level of these "steemcleaners" morons. Yet because of their large following, they're able to control what happens on steemit even when they don't know what they're doing.

So these morons are punishing a steem user for doing the exact same thing as other random websites, but listing those other random websites as the source of the material, they're NOT the source of the material, they're just another random website posting the same pictures.

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

Hey dude. I didn't realise I had flagged you. My vote is set to auto on a few things, I guess that also includes flagging.

This is an argument that I don't want to be part of because I don't agree with flagging. I've removed my flags.

Good luck dude.

like how you use your downvote for revenge against otehr posters you men [like how you just tried to downvote my perfectly legit real post? i hp they bury you <3]

It took me a while to figure out why I had been flag-spammed on my posts. Found out why here. They lowered my total rewards for the week by a solid $20 just by flagging EVERY post I had made. @el-mago Please reconsider your actions.

you def are posting random bullshit, name calling other users AND downvoting people inappropriately out of spite.... thats great way to mark yourself as trouble to the community overall so..keep ti up if thats your objective?

You put money in. Big deal. Some of us put WORK in. Where do you think the value of Steem comes from?

..then list REAL sources as the rules state..and don't worry those users are also being flagged since tumblr is not a real source since tumblr blogs are mostly stolen content anyways. im not singling you out there are a bunch of you who refuse to adhere to the simple as fuck site rules for reasons i cannot ever understand. also you should really quit the name calling..that is a great way to get hated and downvoted by the community overall

you post spam. your investments in cryptocurrency are besides the point entirely. anyone can buy coin dude. not anyone can make content that gets rewards. otherwise steemit isnt being used for what the creator intended it for. you just hate me because im cutting into your stolen revenue stream by reportng you for getting rewards incorrectly to the sites rules. sorry u cant play by the rules and think money makes you above them...

It's not like I [ ... ] called you names.

To be fair, within this thread (and other threads) you have been throwing around some quite vulgar language (bitch, cunt, etc).

In terms of investors, you're still a minnow (very small).

@o0pepper0o the same thing just happened to me. Spite downvotes is childish behavior @el-mago . . . Pajeets? Seriously?

Dude, you downvoted my post for revenge with no reason at all. No comment as to why. THIS is the type of activity that is frowned upon here.

i think that sounds like an abuse of your power when i am merely trying to make steemit awesome not a haven for people who just post spam..i also think ill just report you for flagging me falsely out of spite as opposed to for a real reason and use this comment as my thank you tying your own noose i guess? XD
also im not the only one who reports accounts that dont source and just spam. but its cool =D

What an incredibly toxic attitude to have despite being new to steemit, you should acknowledge the simple fact that you're a common thief and change your ways - until then, steem cleaners will likely continue flagging your low quality stolen content.

If the idea was the stop everyone from reposting, that would be fine, steem would also be nearly empty.

If users want dumps of stolen content there's plenty of subreddits, blogs, porn aggregator sites that satisfy this need - steemit isn't the platform for posting stolen content. If it means that there's less content on NSFW then so be it - that'll mean that actual content creators will get more attention.

I was posting my favorite pictures of the day, same as anyone else.

If this is the case, why not deny the payout so that you aren't making money on the content?

Why would another whale bother going back and forth over that? I've been singled out by pepper, I will fight back.

I assume the whale you're referring to is the steemcleaners? They stand up for small users, combat the aggressive behavior of users profiting from stolen content.

You're not being singled out, you're simply being addressed individually (you're not the only user to be downvoted), given enough time hopefully posting stolen content will stop being a problem across the whole of steemit.

I won't be singled out just because I don't cite a FAKE source of a "tumblr" blog as the source of a gif or picture. It's actually worse than simply posting pictures, to citing some fake tumblr blog as the source when tumblr has nothing to do with the actual source/content producers/pay website that was created for those pictures.

At least faking the source shows some consideration that someone else created the content and that you're personally profiting off their content without forwarding these funds onto said content creators..

ok well.. your gauge is that the community doesnt like spam. nice experiment???

"At least faking the source shows some consideration that someone else created the content and that you're personally profiting off their content without forwarding these funds onto said content creators.."

No, you're simply misleading people and directing them towards a blog/etc with more stolen material, and falsely representing that that's 'ok' what kind of a fucking moron are you?

My point was that by at least faking the source you would be showing at least a tiny shred of effort in attempting to source your material. Obviously you shouldn't fake the source, nor should you steal content in the first place.

If the material you're sourcing is stolen already then perhaps you should source material from elsewhere with permission from the content creators?

My posts didn't say, Hey - it's me, here are some pictures I personally took of a bunch of different girls. My posts say 'Nice tits of the day/etc' I don't think that's trying to come off as the original producer of the content.

Personally it comes off more like 'Check the content I stole, now pay me!'.

The whole reason I'm posting is to gauge the interest/potential of steemit and the tips given.

You could have done this without stealing content.

it woud be empty..of spam posts you're right! and only original content providers would post and steemit would be being used for its intended purpose!! IT WOULD BE MAGICAL, I AGREE!

but it shouldn't be on steemit is my point since its not what the site is intended for. sharing on the www? go ahead no one can really stop you. but this isnt sharing its making profit off what you post. ergo what you post should be yours or you should set yor posts to not make any $ OR yous hould source yoru posts or you shouldn't make anything.
no one is trying to stop all sharing all over..but on a site that rewards $ for posts? hells ya we should watch plagiarism. a thing like that could take out steemit entirely if the wrong asshole shared the wrong super rich pornstars stuff and she caught wind of it...

Bad reputation kills your flag power. And you have killed your reputation with your behavior.

^^^^ this

Feel good about yourself making money off of others? What if someone took your original work (if you ever made anything original) and posted it on steemit to make money or distributed it without permission? Bet you would be crying for it to get removed then.

feel good about flagging my 100% original content and abusing cheetah and steemcleaners and adm to nuke my account when everything i post is 100% my content.

Congratulations @el-mago!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 82 comments

Welcome to Steemit, @el-mago!

Hope you enjoy being here!

This message was written by my introduceyourself bot.

how do you autoupvote?

Welcome to Steem @el-mago I have sent you a tip

i can't see this.

It's because there's a transaction involved here too. There's money rather than just posting. If all you want to do is post other people's images then you should do it with post rewards declined. You're currently flagging a friend. Come find me in Discord.

more insults! thanks man you are really shooting yourself in the foot on this one. you basically want steemit to be what you want..but it is not you refuse to read the rules or adhere to them. apparently cos "i have money!" which is pretty weird and shitty....
it was only a matter of time before you were flagged over this crap. im sorry that because i was the one to do it your childish rage is directed my way. if iw as you id take a chill pill and start making poss that add value or at the least source your posts properly..i feel like a broken record

how am i hypocrite? i did not say i run it. but i mean you literally have not read the posting rules/have and dont care. im not in the wrong. i am doing what steemit has asked me to abuse of their platform. abuse is plagiarism not citing sources and insulting and downvoting users for spiteful reasons unrelated to the content of their posts. you keep threatening me and youre making steemit shitty. you wait and see, man.. =(

dont worry im hoping to catch them all! its just a hard battle because of people like you insisting steemit is for sharing stolen work and not for content creators.
and no i read all the official rules. it clearly states that if you post other peoples shit you gotta source it or face the wrath of the community. you are fighting a fight to degrade a currency you have invested in. i have no idea wtf your plan is...unless you make all your $ from stolen works so this is really crampin yo style...=o

Take your own pictures. Use your own work. No one will have a problem with that. it happens all the time. I'm asking you again to remove the flags. You're breaking rules around here. This isn't something you want to escalate and neither do I. Please remove the flags, stop posting other people's work as your own, and go about your day merrily. The consequence here is that you're going to be flagged into a negative rep such that no one will see anything you post. I suggest you stop the flagging immediately.

This is your final warning. After this all of your posts will be downvoted. You will have 0 rewards on all of them. Your rep will go negative. This will make Steemit a very shitty experience.

You are currently in the wrong AND flagging a member of a Steemit based organization that has hundreds of members and over 1600 people in a dedicated channel.

Again, we request you remove the flags, and we'll go about our business.

I have issued 2 flags in 10 months. I have zero flags on your posts now. Steemcleaners isn't owned by me and is an automated bot I have nothing to do with and no authority over. Please remove all your flags or you'll find that every post you make on steemit will have zero rewards indefinitely.

Really? Downvoted my posts? Why? So, I had to do a little bit of investigating. And it led me to here. The only thing I can think of is revenge. If you notice in my article you downvoted, I LIST all my sources. I source my images. My references. They are not just spamming pictures on a page and posting them on Steemit. Consider reversing the downvotes for all of the other Steemit users here.

They don't deserve to be downvoted because you are pissed off.

Come on man, just because you were flagged doesn't mean you should do it to everyone else. That's childish.

your not the source of the material either.

you've reposted links with no source or citation to original source that is plagiarism.

the fact that mainstream sites harvest memes bundle them together and make advertising other peoples work is bs.
This is steemit!
The original author of any content should be paid for their work not people who copy and paste with no value added.

exactly!! also this guy is downvoting my REAL actual post of my personal REAL original content >< ty for making steemit awesome by trying to remove original content creators from nsfw

your posts add no value and dont google rank an original post would

By not citing a source or acknowledging that you are not the person who originally took the photographs you are inferring they are your work.

Tracking down the original owner of a photo is too time consuming for both the contributor and @steemcleaners. It's enough that a link is posted to where the content was found.

This isn't about copyright, it's about making it clear that the content was created by someone else.

yes but u dont source the original source [which is a rule if its not your content that you ignore] plus copypasting posts that already exist messes up google search and will degrade steemit overall.