@crypto.piotr Take that break, because it is well deserved, and i will tell you why ...
I know and see what you are trying to build here, and i think i told you before, you have my upmost respect for this. I know very well myself what physical toll you are paying when you do these things all by yourself.
Even though you get ‘help’ from the community, you are the driving force behind it.
So ... take that break (if you havn’t already) and reload that internal battery. There’s much more in life then crypto and other internet related things, ...much more.
Your health is much more important then anything else, sometimes you do not realise that .. untill you loose it.
Be Safe my Friend and take good care of you (and the wife)
Dear @elektropunkz
Love to hear that! :)
Very well said. I never thought about it this way, but you're quite right.
Yours, Piotr