Nice post and story Mayushi. But, i’m wondering, that you must be for years hanging around the crypto scene, you also have a 64 rating, so you’re on the site for some time now, maybe even a very early investor (thats what i read between the lines) so how come that you do not understand much about crypto, or the full use and etiquette of steemit??? I also noticed that your post is 21 minutes old, and already made over $12. So you must be doing something right, or have friends in high places on steemit. Which is good for you, but i suspect that you know better how things work over here then me. So, maybe you can enlighten me? My posts dont even make a dollar in a week. And i’m almost a year on this site.
“ must be for years hanging around the crypto scene, you also have a 64 rating, so you’re on the site for some time now, maybe even a very early investor (thats what i read between the lines) so how come that you do not understand much about crypto, or the full use and etiquette of steemit???”
Sure, one of my best friends has been on the scene since forever. However just like he hasn’t become a better guitar player by hanging around me, because it takes an individual’s effort and knowledge is not passed through osmosis, I , likewise, never put in the effort to learn anything more than very superficial things about crypto.
If there was some way I could enlighten you on how to have a more lucrative experience on Steemit, I would definitely share it with you. I honestly think that even two cents is better than nothing, hence my post. Most people are already busy doing these same things on many other platforms for nothing more than the value of having a place to share their ideas or original content with others (reddit, FB, twitter, Instagram etc). All I can suggest is do what you love and keep using Steemit as an outlet for that passion and hopefully you’ll make more as a byproduct as time goes on, as opposed to participating on Steemit exclusively for the money, per se. As much as we can argue that the most popular and lucrative media outlets are just pushing content out there for money, the truth is they typically hire people who genuinely have a passion for the content they create. Whether we like or agree with what they make is a matter of personal preference but chances are the person creating it likes what they create. I’d imagine you’d be hard pressed to find some soulless content-creater somewhere pushing out material with only dollar signs in their eyes. How miserable of an existence would that be?
That’s very nicely said mayushi, and you are right, two cents is a lot more then nothing. And please, don’t get me wrong, (i say this because i just re-read) my previous comment. Sometimes i can come over quite blunt, and a little harsh, this is unintended. It’s a little how my mind works, busy, jumping from one thing to another, and even though I try to express myself as good as i can in english, which is not my native language, and sometimes the finer nuances get lost in translation (so to say). With that out of the way ... i kind of know some soulless content creators with $$$ signs in their eyes in the ‘’’music’’’ scene. Somehow they seem to entertain more people then the ones with real passion that put their hart and soul into their creations. And with that said, i’m not using steemit for the money, that is also not why i said what i said. I say that out of curiousity, and because i make an assumption because of what i see in the stats, and get curious how you got so far. So really, thank you that you took the time to give me this answer, and i’ll keep doing what i love and like. Hope you do the same.
No problem, friend. I should be so lucky to be able to speak and write in multiple languages. My wife knows several languages and I am totally jealous of her abilities. Anyway, I didn’t take what you said to be offensive at all. I thought you were right on the nose with the things you asked about. I just wished I could have given you something more like the advice you were seeking than what I was able to do. It’s funny what you said about people with $$ signs in their eyes in the music scene being better received than those who have more passion. In my old band, one of our most popular songs was a song we wrote simply because so many other bands had a song like that and we said, “We need a song like that!”. Totally soulless and yet it was always the crowd pleaser! LOL! That always bugged me.
I guess that getting exposed to something from the beginning or at regular occasions can remove the need to actively seek information, and thus cause a more superficial understanding than the very in-depth understanding which comes to someone who don't understand and who actively seek knowledge.
It's kind of similar to how someone who actively decides to learn chess can quickly become better than someone who has casually played chess for years.
Exactly! Well said.