Most girls I have heard of (or seen in chat rooms) who talk about crypto are only doing so to impress some newly wealthy men who made money from trading it. They flirt and post nude pics while doing so in a "casual" way, and hope for the best. So no, it's not about "changing outdated systems". It's really about satisfying our most ancient instinct: find a true provider and copulate with him. I'm not saying that women are dumber, but coming from a science and technology fan, please trust my claim that nobody really cares about new technologies, either men or women. Most people get in it for the trading and investment gains. And you know it when you realize that none of these new technologies has actually been implemented yet, but prices still go up and down like crazy.
Men want to make money so that they can acquire power and status symbols such as lambos and sleep with several women. They explicitly say so as far as I've seen. Women want men who make a lot of money so that they can get themselves a provider as nature dictated so, and if anything goes wrong they can always divorce him, take half of his money and live happily ever after.
Saying that, we must note than the nature of men makes them much more likely to engage in risky activities than women, which is why you observe many more men doing high-risk investments. It is also why most women would rather find a man who does it rather than do it themselves. And cryptocurrencies are so volatile right now, that they are nothing else than risky investments in potential technologies.
I appreciate that the point across your entire argument is laced with evolutionary biology tenants. I would disagree that blockchain hasn't been implemented yet. All of is running on IPFS, and most of the steemit ecosystem is running on node networks. The adoption of this may actually take longer but with more innovation, because the barrier for adoption will most likely look entirely different than getting people in 1999 to join the world wide web, being that so much of this, if done right, won't have central authorities. I personally don't buy into this modern attitude of gender race to the top, where all areas and industries that men dominate, need to be recalibrated to near equilibrium with women. I will also be interested in the careful application of empathy, in that, having so many people all over the world on here, with entirely different cultural attitudes, and how they will interact with one another and choose the 'authorities' of the community.