Vindication. So, Stinc, who was lying? I am incompetent at systems administration, am I?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)




It seems that I was not exaggerating, and there was a reason why I was unable to get a steemd RPC node to sync, either on a 10 core, 50Gb memory 1.2Tb SATA3 SSD VPS, or, even, on my own PC, which is in most respects even faster: ryzen7 1700, 32gb of DDR4 2400 memory, and a 256Gb Samsung NVMe SSD. 6 months ago this machine would have ripped through the replay in a couple of hours. The Xeon VPS could do it in about 8-9 hours. I finally gave up after watching it spend over 3 days on the VPS and the same on my machine.

Nobody who should have known better, was telling the truth. They all said it must be just me, because they are all lying at the same time. No, because I'm the only one having problems. Ok, if that's true, then what does this mean:

Call for help

Full rpc steemd nodes are a challenge to run. Currently, they require expensive servers with 128GB of RAM, and regular baby-sitting. To my knowledge, there are no open solutions for managing steemd clusters . Such software would be much appreciated, not only by developers, but also exchanges (currently, both Bitfinex and Poloniex have STEEM&SBD deposits/withdrawals frozen, as they are failing to tame resource hungry steemd [2]).

I don't know what to say, guys. You know I had been saying right back in November last year that the rate of growth of the resource use of steemd was going to be a problem within 6 months. Here we are, 8 months later, and if nothing is done THIS MONTH, at the latest, there will be no value in anyone's steem, because nobody will be able to buy, or sell it.

An apology would be nice, but I don't expect such professional liars as yourselves to ever come clean about this.

I am just glad to finally confirm that it isn't just me. Because I was getting little help or corroboration from anyone. Real friendly bunch you are, especially the witnesses. Gandalf (@gtg) is the only one who seems to be able to make steemd obey him. That's probably because he's running it on a cluster of 256Gb memory, NVMe dual raid arrays, on a multi gigabit conneection, and it is probably costing him over $500/month to do it. But don't expect him to publish his real costs, because, if you can't run it, it must be because you are incompetent.

Big thanks to @furion for finally telling the truth.

thanks to @andybets for finding and making note of it in @benjojo's question directed at Stinc about what the hell is going on with all these RPC nodes going down.

This changes things a lot. You have my apologies for accepting their insistence that there was no problem. You'll be getting the SBD from that post. I'm absolutely disgusted with they left any attempt at answers to @gtg then @sneak tried to make out that reasonable concerns about real issues were 'baseless fearmongering' . Between their appalling communication with the community, the things fuzzy said in my post, how they handled my post, you and a few other things, my concern is rapidly turning to complete disenchantment.

I will update my post for a third time and link @furion's post and yours.

It's useful to know the apparent limitations of those with the privilege of 'leading' this community. What a shame.

Just another thought, it's interesting that I still believe that Steem can scale and apparently so do you, you mentioned in your comments that you thought the solution was relatively trivial. It begs the question why the lack of communication? Why try to make people who clearly support Steem feel like they are idiots or working against the community?

With so much going for them....I mean, what's wrong with them?

grabs popcorn

There's no lack of communication - I told you plainly before he's spreading FUD. He's taken you in.

steemd requires a lot of resources - to run with a full set of plugins. Most people, exchanges included, don't need those. We provide tooling and container images for running steemd in production in a variety of configurations.

We at steemit run these in production 24/7, so we'd know precisely what it takes. He doesn't, by his own admission.

Heed fools at your own risk.

Please could you point me in the direction of the container images? Docker I presume? There may be a cut-down RPC configuration that suits my needs, and could address all my questions in one short answer!

You must have tunnel vision or towering arrogance. Even after Steemit is being forked, you cannot admit a failure of communication.

If what you say is true and there are no technical issues (bearing in mind I think the most serious issues are's communication and perception handling) then why is there evidence of issues?

Just insisting there aren't issues is about the silliest approach I can imagine.

There are other issues I've raised that never get address...not just technical.

You reaction to me has done one thing for sure, it's changed a massive supporter of Steemit to someone who is considering going elsewhere. Don't worry, I'm under no illusion that this is something you give two shits about.

Would you consider not self-upvoting your empty comments. You have no idea how bad it looks , especially in a situation like the one being discussed. Yet more perception handling blunders. Surely you realise that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

Ok trivial was the wrong choice of words...completely. The greatest issue is communication and handling. My limitations around the technical side of things are abundantly clear. I think it's fair to say that the majority of people using steem are in the same boat. I hope what comes out of this is not more disenfranchisement but an acknowledgment that we can do better together and have every opportunity to address issues and strengthen our unity of purpose.

I do not understand US law in the slightest, I'm not even sure what a security it relates to crypto is a complete mystery to me. If mined SP is going to be considered a security, I have no clue what the implications are for those that mined it. What I do know is that some of them worked very hard to get there and have behaved with integrity for steem and steemit as far as I know. Ultimately I see any outside interference from governments (who are of course the architects of most of the world's ills) as uneccessary and counter-productive. If there is an issue, we should handle it as a community.

That brings me to your hard fork proposal. It's a perfectly reasonable suggestion. If enough people form a consensus to begin a new network, so be it. There are several precedents. But how do you do a fair distribution? Who controls the dev stake? How do you ensure that everyone already involved gets a fair stake without recreating the previous issues.....not all whales have been bad and steem wouldn't even exist without some of them.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

It's a sorry state of affairs that is seems to have come to this. I have raised concerns over the steemit premine several times. My biggest concern has always been that. On the new chain, I think it is imperative to do an analysis on how much premined accounts have taken out so that those that got into this with the best intentions, who have not cashed out or are founders (especially ned and dan) are compensated. I don't know yet whether I would support a fork or not, it rather depends on how it is dealt with, how fair I perceive the distribution to be, how well looked after the founders are etc. I am certainly not against examining the possibility, especially if at the same time we can address legal issues, flaws resulting from distribution and technical aspects all at the same time.

The utility of steem and the community should be the greatest concern for us all.

that would explain a lot... thanks for the education ;)

please explain How to unhide flagged posts for everyone?
Must you "promote" or does it take massive amounts of upvotes to remove flag state?
Or is it a structural feature that flagged posts can't be unflagged?
I went to steemd in an effort to learn more - not sure how to see who flagged the post but I see @sneak with the only thumb-down symbol for this post, what does that mean?

My wish is to have steemit transparency, improved structure and a massive community turnout to discuss the Calibrae fork - cheers!

PS: @elfspice is this (zero $0.00 payout for upvotes) also a feature of the flagged post setting?

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I've been discussing this with others and they didn't know about this and asking if this is real - I am sharing and my wish is for others to share this too.
Perhaps in the days ahead I will post details and quote some of you non-flamatory comments and request steemians to consider supporting Calibrae - thanks m8, and Cheers.@elfspice thanks for the explanation I wish I had a whale upvote for this post!

Why is the first link a Facebook referral?

P.S. I'm following these posts very closely, but I'm too ignorant to have an opinion or comments on the matter, so all I'd like to add is please keep it up.

Yeah FB does that with nearly every link. When I actually use FB, I keep it sandboxxed in its own browser, and copy/paste links that I want to see in firefox. The referral link is a constant pain in my ass, and sometimes they trail the link with ..... so I can't even copy/paste, and instead have to google keywords I find in the bloated FB link.

Also, I sent you that link via a transfer memo on @l0k1. Is there a better way to get in touch with you? I guess you left the GnB discord, so now I can't direct message you on there.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

I don't mean to kick the bee's nest here, but...

In my opinion you are flapping here. By that I mean you are bouncing around between a project and this 'fight'.

I am quite keen to see what you get done on DIV so it seems to me you are wasting time shouting about Steem and Steemit.

Perhaps I misunderstand, looking forward to seeing an update on DIV

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I'm researching the long term viability of STEEM and Steemit to determine how much I should invest in this platform and while most of this goes over my head, my biggest concern is that this is supposed to be "decentralized", but it seems like the only people that can change anything here is the corporate dev team. Am I wrong in that assumption?

I'm really liking your ideas on the fork by the way. Sent you an FB friend request.