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RE: My First Kinder THREAT!! Some anonymous creep just WARNED me to STOP talking about the flat earth! Whatever for??? It's just ridiculous isn't it? By Elissa Hawke

in #steemit8 years ago

what a cool and honest reply @marky. I agREE that ol'lack-o-curvature has posed a problem for many a man or lassie! In fact I am about to post a video about how even Neil De Grasse Tyson admitted just weeks ago that he does not know the equation for expected curvature! And I, a bloody massage therapist/comedian know more about testing our environs for sphericity than our own favourite bumwrangling cosmologist/astrophysicist!
As for satellites of love, they were a fantasy of Arthur C Clark in the 40s and within a decade NASA had made one...they look about as likely as lunar landers to me too... bus sized festive wrapped boxes with flappy foil wings...not one single real photo of a single real satellite anywhere from anywhere to this day...
the undersea cable map on a flat plane model versus the globe makes better sense how the connections go, everything that we're told is gps and satellites ma be from towers and undersea cables.. I am glad your mind is open and you are thinking, just to know so many can be fooled is freeing when you finally see through and stand with your own senses


Good insight.
I do agree that satellites were invented from the fiction of Clarke the same as tablets were once the fiction of star trek.
I cant cant see how those tin foil objects withstand the melting point of titanium either .
but the whole cables under the sea and the telphone towers and the transmitters at the poles ant the high altitude air balloon transmitters doesnt make sense to me either . There doesnt seem to be a common theory , but many theories , and most are less plausable than the floating tin foil theory.
I think its ok to sit on the fence on this one and wait for more evidence either way.
they could start buy showing us a real photo of the earth from space without photoshop.
And if nasa told the truth a few times it may give them a bit more credibility.

I can see you've not been slack on looking into this huge subject

It is very interesting

Lack of curvature is most convincing but being told not to discuss it like that really is suss

Its just some nut job that cant handle any other reality but his own.
Imagine what his poor wife has to put up with.
Or her poor husband. Na sounds like a 45 yo man that still lives at home with mom in the basement .
Back to flat earth, something happened in Antartica and they killed Byrd for it. My opinion?

I hope you are right but it doesnt feel like that to me, but we all know I'm paranoid ; ). I have been exposing Australian false flag events like Port Arthur Massacre and Bali bombing and 9/11 and all the other false flags and all the hoaxes, and NASA and the moon landing hoax, and all the elite establishment pedophile rings for over ten years on public record and I've never had any threats. It does make one wonder.. . .

Good on you.
I think we would get on really at a party.
Two nuts in the corner talking about anti vax and staged false flags to disarm us Aussies. Moon hoaxes ect
A young mother once told me I was guilty of child abuse because I refused to vaccinate my kids. I know they can be quite vicious.