My experience in the market
Hello I hope and are very well beloved community, this time I will play a topic that in particular is very important because it implies a factor to take into account in any ecosystem or market in which you are involved this time I speak of the market Criptomon Edas. For no one is a secret the volatility that this market possesses but we must take into account that not everything here is profit and that if you do not educate the same market end up playing with you and your money for not having fundamental bases because not everything is to make an investment in any R Crypto active and make you rich overnight
The factor which I speak and that I consider important is patience, patience is a virtue which not all have but that is very necessary here and in any environment in which we desenvolvamos so we must work, take into account that if we decided to do di Cha investment in any Criptomoneda is because we trust and see a good utility of this project or currency but as an investor we focus that from the first day we invest we want to see profits and make the mistake of revising that graph every second or Minute they pass and so we spend every day and the lucky graphic does not move or if you move is for bass. But if we do our research and know where we put our money we should not worry if short term that graph is low because the final and in the long term every currency with solid project and fundamental bases to grow will end up giving you the Profits that you as an investor you established taking into account the ups and downs that every market has and is here where the patience you should have it by your side and as an ally.
Clarify that I am not an expert and with this I just want to contribute knowledge based on my personal experiences in this market and in this ecosystem of Blockchain. There is still much to learn and many things to share, we will read a next opportunity
I hope I was helpful with this content, can help me doing upvote, Resteem and follow in Steemit...

I hope I was helpful with this content, can help me doing upvote, Resteem and follow in Steemit...
Very good content. Investing means putting our money to work for a while. The best thing when you invest is to forget about that money for a while since no fruit grows from night to morning but it takes time to get results. Patience is de key.