By way of example, here is the first thing that non-registered users see when they go to
Imagine what a new user may think if this is the first thing they see. It’s not accessible, it’s not relatable and (frankly) it’s boring. The average attention span for a modern-day human is 8 seconds (1 second less than a goldfish). We have a very limited window of time to create a first impression and capture new users. Terms like WAVES DEX GUI, multi-authority permissions, and DPOS Consensus Algorithm are intimidating. This is not a knock on the articles themselves, @furion, @good-karma, @kingscrown, and @thecryptofiend are some of the best minds on Steemit and should be commended for their contribution. I am simply asking the powers that be to consider removing a tag from the default front page for non-registered users. Take another look at the image above, now imagine if, instead, new users saw this:
Or even this:
Which is more appealing to the layman? Music, Pictures, Fire, Illegal Brazilian Activity or WAVES DEX GUI, multi-authority permissions, and DPOS Consensus Algorithm. I’m not proposing that we remove the Steemit tag, or stop creating Steemit content, but that we simply filter Steem-centric content from being part of our outward appearance. Let’s put our most appealing face forward and keep our behind-the-scenes content behind-the-scenes. Once we get them in the door, then we can show them which voting algorithms to use or how to run a node in their basement. Would love to hear other’s thoughts on this.
This Is Everyone's Last Chance To Get Cheap STEEM - Here's Why
First of all, what other social media platform are you aware of that rewards the users for contributing (posting or liking/voting)? I’ll wait, oh wait, that’s right, there is no other social media platform like this. And what’s even better is the fact that Steemit is still in the beta… It has a 200,000,000+ market cap in the BETA! That’s absolutely ridiculous, did you know that if STEEM were to take Ripple’s place (10,000,000,000), 1 STEEM would be worth right around $40 USD?! I, among others, believe STEEM will be as big or bigger than Facebook some day which would give STEEM a market cap of $446,540,000,000 USD (if as big as Facebook). If that happened, one STEEM would be worth $1910 USD!
The reasons why STEEM will be huge one day are endless. But one reason that I’d like to point out is the fact that we have a developer, @furion creating a video hosting platform on the STEEM blockchain. With all the controversy going on with YouTube lately and the result in content creators not making any more money, the YouTubers will need to find a new home, a new place to publish videos and make money, and I believe that place will be on the STEEM blockchain.
Please leave your thoughts and concerns in the comment section regarding STEEM, SteemQ, and
How to Vote For theprophet0 Witness 1. Click Here 2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and type in my Steemit username - theprophet0. 3. You will be asked to authenticate with your active key, the main key may work also. Once you have done that, you just voted for theprophet0 witness! Wohoo, Thanks!
Steembuddy on ice - But you can find steemit users with the same interest using Robomongo
After days trying to figure out how to develop a MEAN app (Mongo, Express,Angular,Node) I have to admit that backend programming is unfortunately not my strong suit and I have to put my SteemBuddy App project on ice for now. My apologies for setting expectations to have the app ready by end of this week, I did not expect that the last bit is such a hard hurdle for me to overcome. If I ever decide to try developing an app again, I will only write about it on steemit once it is done and ready to use. Fortunately there is a way to lookup steemias on SteemData, using the free MongoDB manager Robomongo To access the database, download Robomongo and login into the SteemData Server using the credentials shown on the SteemData website.
At this point a big thanks to @furion who created SteemData!
Once you signed in to SteemData, go to Steemdata -> Collections -> Accounts
This shows you all the various documents that contain information about users.
In order to find people with a specific interest, copy the following line between the curly brackets {} like shown below.
‘json_metadata.profile.about’: {‘$regex’: “Cooking”, ‘$options’: “i”}}, projection={“name”: 1, “_id”: 0, “profile.location”: 1, “rep”: 1, “profile.about”: 1, “profile.profile_image&rdquo
The the word after $regrex is the keyword for the search.
The text after projection restricts the shown fields to name, profile location and the text in the about field. In this example all users who have the word cooking or Cooking in their about field are displayed. If you want to lookup users with another interest, simply replace the word “cooking” with some other word.
This way you can easily search through the entire database of steemit users and find people with the same interest
Great ideas and advice. Thank you!