Thanks for making the platform better
Hey man, thanks for investing in the website, you are equally important to the creators, in order to make this site the best it can be :) Can i ask, as an investor, what type of content are you looking for? I would like to gain more visibility on my blog, as i wish to share my ideas and thoughts, but so far, it has been very hit and miss. I still haven't quite found the correct formula. Some posts does quite well, while a lot goes completely unnoticed. And the time spent writing does not seem to correlate with the final value of the post. Do you, as an investor have something to share here?
Future plans
In the future, i hope to be able to reward new users with an upvote that is worth something, but that, i am still working on :) So many people goes completely unseen, even though they spent hours on a single post, while a few whales makes hundreds with something that takes them minutes to write.
I hope you have had an awesome new year, and a great Christmas. Have a nice day man :)
Don't hesitate to innovate, try new concept adapted to steemit platform.