in #steemit7 years ago

Hello steemian, you're welcome to story time with emmanuel007. This is the maiden edition of story time which will be weekly basis . you're welcome onboard.
It was a busy day at work, being Monday, sound of bus conductors shouting their destination while commuter tax collectors were seen collecting levy from them. The weather is not encouraging as the sun was scorching, the air-conditioner is equally spilting out heat after working for several hours. Everyone at the office are busy going about with their work uninterrupted until the power holding company took the light.
Jummai an intern with Minds Media Networks was asked to inform the security guard to start up the generator. Benison receiving call and walking towards the staircase of the three storey building that housed the office, bump into Jummai, results in the latter fallen down the stairs. " I'm sorry, so sorry about that " said Benison, make effort to take her up unknowingly that she had sustain a minor bruises on her elbow. All this while Jummai remain silent, which get Benison really worried. "Let me take you to the hospital, at least to treat your wounds " says Benison. Wale, the manager is now angry concerning the light that have not been restored, shouting Jummai's name repeatedly. He later saw her on the floor with a stranger trying to help her stand, then decided to know what happened. Immediately he recognise Benison Haboki, the ceo's son, after asking what happened then volunteer to take Jummai to the hospital with Benison. image
Few weeks later, Jummai was returning from work, waiting at the bus station and a car packed beside her offering to drop her at home. She decline at first but accept after plead from Benison. imageThey got talking and started a relationship afterwards.
About three years later, it was a little bit cloudy ,it was Jummai's birthday. The venue of the party is one of the Haboki's beach house at Banana island
The party was totally kept asking a secret from her, she was thinking of celebrating her birthday with Benison alone. when she entered the house, she could perceive something suspicious but she did not give attention until when he put on the light. Jummai was shocked, surprise and happy to see her friends and siblings at the party. Then Benison went on his knees.
Watchout for the concluding part next week on story time with @emmanuel007.


Thanks for your love always.



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Great tags for this would have been Writing, Story, Love, etc.

Try including paragraphs to make your works legible. Thanks and good write up


Thanks for the observation, I will adhere to it