Hi my lovely steemians, i'm writing this article as an inspirational piece to
all steemians , especially to those who are at the point of despair.
I know how it feels sometimes, when you post quality content and still not
getting the appreciated upvotes. You write great articles alright
expecting people to comment to urge you but to no avail.
You comment well on people's posts but you don't get the responds.
I know this unbearable situation might even push you to intense
frustration but please calm down when you are faced with that.
Life has many blends. It has the easiest and the hardest blend,
the good and the bad blend, the sweet and the bitter blend,
the ups and downs blend.
You might not have a good starting point but things will definitely
change for better as you are moving forward. These challenges
you are facing will strengthen you, shape you, prepare you well
for the next version of steemit journey.
The heroic steemians you see trending now faced the same bad
situation you are facing now. Some even had worst starting point than
you but did not give up.
I call them heroic steemians because of the spirit of consistency,
persistency, hard work, humbleness they posses.
permit me to mention, authoring and curating, staying active in
in the system. They even author and curate when steem and sbd
fall to the lowest.
You could see heroic steemians like @jaynie, @sweetsssj, @ejemai,
@surpassinggoogle, @mustard, @hr1, @tj4real, @kwakumax,
@zerohedge, @wafrica, @ackza, @bleepcoin, @nanzo-scoop,
@newhope, @starkerz, @polebird, @old-guy-photos, @surfyogi,
@stellabella, @dragonslayer109, @donkeypong, @futurethinker,
@nairadaddy, @raymondspeaks, @shawnamawna, @anaman,
@mcsamm, @collinz, @zord189 and so many others which time won't
If these heroic steemians with higher reputation and steem power are
are even active in the system when situations are bad, how much more
you and i with lower reputation and steem power.
Please keep on pushing harder with positive mentality and stay active
in the system always for "your time will come".
Thanks for your time.
See you another time.

Humble acknowledgment 👍
Pleased @raskhern.
Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!
Thanks @wafrica for your words of encouragement.
It’s nice of you to put op a motivational post. Lots of people are disappointed in SteemIt (can you blame them?), so maybe you could get a few to stay
to understand that anything good in life never comes easy.... Such is life.
Hmmmmm my dear friend @simplymike, i can't blame them but they have Thanks also for stopping by. @simplymike.
I completely agree, @emmanuelcheamp. Nothing comes easy...
I completely agree, @emmanuelcheamp. Nothing comes easy...