Before anyone comments "There is no way you can earn 1000 by August of this year!" I know its highly unlikley that I will be able to earn 905 Steem just from posting. I do plan on buying a small amount every week (as much as I can afford!) If I could afford to buy more, I would...let me explain why...
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While I started buying crypto in July, you could say that I pretty much saw it as buying a ticket for the lottery. I had no idea what blockchain technology was, and the only reason I even bought my first crypto was because one of my friends was sending me links and telling about one that he was going to buy. I honestly didn’t even care about learning about it as it seemed way too technical for me. I do not have a background in computer science, my laptop that I had been using for three years was purchased with a Groupon and it was a piece of junk. I couldn’t even switch between tabs without it freezing.
I purchased a fair amount of a token (Plr) and after my friend transferred it to a paper wallet, I stored it in the safety deposit box at a bank and proceeded to forget about it until late August. Sometime during late August, for some reason that I don’t remember now, I started looking into crypto again. I decided that if I was going to learn about this, I needed to start at the beginning and research a couple that sparked my interest. I also needed to learn the purpose of a blockchain and tried to grasp the concept of it. This was difficult. I still admit that I am a total noob.
Me Buying Crypto
Since then I have accumulated about 20 alt coins. Each coin sparked interest in me, as I could see the mass adoption aspect of it. Basic Attention Token comes to mind. Imagine being paid to view ads! To me this seemed like a genius idea!
I had been lurking on Steemit for a couple months before I actually joined. It seemed very intimidating to see the dollar pay out of a post right there under it. Of course, I thought I didn’t have anything to say that people would see value in. The thing that got me to finally sign up was the wait time. When I saw that it took several days to get registered I said I might as well sign up just in case.
The first couple days I spent about 10 hours total reading before I decided to comment on anything. Being new, I wanted to learn about the community and what’s expected of me. I learned so much from just scrolling through the Steemit tags. I started commenting on people’s posts. I think the first comment I wrote was on a post about EOS and what is going to happen when their ICO ends. People will have to register their ERC20 tokens that they bought and they will get their new EOS tokens. The person didn’t know this, so I commented. Imagine my surprise that someone upvoted me 10 cents! I know, its 10 cents...not $10, but to me it meant the world. I gave someone advice and someone else rewarded me. It was an amazing feeling.
I have not made millions so far on Steemit, but it hardly matters. I am here for the long haul. I have gained 165 followers (yay!) and interacted with hundreds more. My reputation is now at 46, which I hear is pretty high for someone who is so new! Since I joined Steemit 2 weeks ago I have dedicated at least 80 hours to being on this platform. I haven’t checked Facebook in days. I only use the messenger! I feel invigorated for the first time in years. I have been buying STEEM for the last two weeks. It’s not much, but its all I can comfortably afford right now. I believe that I will only be buying STEEM for the foreseeable future. My goal is to accumulate 1000 STEEM to power up in the next 6 months. I know that is probably impossible to do with only posting, but I believe in this platform so much that I will be buying it too so I can get there faster!
I talk about Steemit non stop to my husband and friends. In the past 2 weeks I have signed up 8 people. 3 of which started posting content. My husband and sister both received some really large upvotes. When I saw it I just had to call them to tell them. They were so excited! I have yet to receive an upvote like that (about $90 each), but I am grateful for every single upvote I get! They each give me pride that someone appreciated what I wrote enough to honor me with their upvote! Seeing the excitement from my friends getting those huge upvotes is just as thrilling to me because I know it’s going to motivate them into staying. I believe their success is my success too because we will all continue to support each other.
It’s kind of like when you tell your friend about your favorite TV show. You explain over and over how amazing it is and they just need to watch it. You pester them incessantly over weeks. Then they finally watch the show and call you to tell you that you were right and that they love it.
This is how I felt after I saw their upvotes and they told me how excited they were!
So far I have bought and earned 95 Steem. I hope that I will achieve my goal! I will be reinvesting all my earnings and I will not Power Down. Steemit is the first crypto based use case that I have been a part of, and honestly I think it has a real shot at taking over Social Media as we know it. While I constantly kick myself for not joining and getting involved sooner, I am trying to just be happy that I joined before 99.9% of the rest of the world!
Do you have any goals this year for your Steemit account? Please let me know! Would you honor me with your upvote and follow? I appreciate every single one.

First off, welcome to Steemit! I would like to say you can surely reach 1k SP by August 2018. Just set that as your goal and don't ever give up. In 7 months, I have surpassed 900 SP(corrected), but that includes a couple Steem purchases when it dipped under $1. Most of my 900 SP though has been earned from posting and commenting. And as far as creating something that others will like, just remember the old saying... "Good content is in the eyes of the beholder!" 😉 😎 You got a 100% UV and a Follow from me... I like your content! And don't forget to check your stats and earnings on SteemSupply, built by @dragosroua.
900k?! I just fainted. That's incredible. Thank you for your encouragement! It makes me think my goal is actually achievable! Congrats on your success!
Oppps! I didn't mean 900k. I typed this before finishing my first cup of coofffeeee! 900 SP is a bit more accurate, sorry. Hope you didn't fall and hit your head on anything!
Haha, that is still an amazing goal from where I currently stand! I hope to be where you are at soon :)
Keep at it... you will arrive!
Thanks for sharing this. I like your articles. You'll indeed achieve your dream and you'll get support from the community. Just maintain your Hard work, Good Strategy, and Networking!
Once we believe in ourselves everything is possible
This is true 🙂
Great topic! This was some interesting info, however I thought there were quite a bit more users (like north of 650,000) and not the 334,000 on your post. The website might be out of date but correct me if I'm wrong because I just kinda thru up a bit in my mouth!! Lol. But, it that user number accurate? Also, I just did a post on a similar topic but touched on it in a slightly different way. I you have some time, check it out and let me know what you think!! Thanks for the post!
Hi! Im not sure where you saw that on my post (did I accidentally link something? ::rushing back to look it over:: ) Wherever you saw it that number is outdated, I believe we are around 700K now. However, i believe there are only around 60K active users on Steemit, so you we are still very early adopters! I will check you out asap! Thanks for the comment! :)
We reached the 750,000 users milestone yesterday, so we are just above that number right now :)
Hi, @emmyem84!
I just wanted to wish you good luck with reaching your goal. It might be very possible to get another 900 Steem within the next 6 months, but it will require a lot of hard work if you are doing it mainly by posting and commenting. And it will also obviously depend a lot on how the price of Steem develops; it will probably get a lot more difficult it it rises a lot higher within this time frame.
Best regards from @valth.
Hey @valth!... yeahhhh I know. Its going to take some luck from all sides. First that I am able to create good content, get views, connect with people and the other part of that luck is that steem wont grow fast enough that I can afford to buy it! Im going to need a lot of luck, haha. Thanks for your support, I appreciate it :)
Yeah, you need some luck. But some of the things you mention could also be solved with hard work and determination ;)
This was a great read, I always like to see enthusiasm forming in new steemians, I was like that, now almost two years later there is still some magic left from that first eureka moment. I also started with 0, I invested around 300$, now I'm here. You could do the same, takes time though, and some days will be bad, but that's life. Steem on!
Hey! Thank you so much @moon32walker . I just came across your "shit comments compilation" and I hope you keep posting them, your post had me literally laughing out loud. I have a feeling you are going to find better and better comments as Steemit becomes more popular.. (sadly)! I definitely have enthusiasm about Steemit because this is the first time I've been ive seen crypto actually being used, I definitely see a path to mass adoption. Your success gives me something to aspire to! I hope to see more of your posts, ill be waiting :)
Hey! Thanks for the comment on my post. Made me check you out.
You know what? I'm with you on your goal. Let's do it. Just followed you. Looks like you live in Chicago, btw? My wife and I live on the other side of the lake in SW Michigan.
Hey! Yes, hi there from the other side of the lake! Nice to meet you! :)
Likewise. And hang in there with the weather :)
Hey @emmyem84 , if you keep posting quality content like you have been and stick with it I think you can get there.
I've enjoyed your posts thus far and also always like supporting local people, I know your my Chicago neighbor here, so gonna send you a little Steem and give you a resteem to help get you on some other people's radar.
Keep the good content comming!!!
Hey @rulesforrebels thats extremely generous of you! I dont know what to say! I hope that we can be the start of a great Chicago Steemit community! Who knows whats going to happen at this rate?! I cant wait to see!
I see a lot of people here on Steemit do meetups and things like that. I've made a post or two in the past regarding looking at doing something like that but thus far nothing has really come of it. I'm here in Chicago, I know you are as well as Brad, if we can get a few more people on board could be fun to do a Steemit meetup at Half Acre or something have a few beers, talk steem and make a post out of it. If you meet any more Chicago peeps on here see if you can get them on board.
I will definitely keep in touch and hopefully within the next month or two we can find enough people (by that time I will be ready to leave my winter hermit status). It would be fun! Of course it would be at half acre...lmao. Im sure we will continue talking about it. If i see other people from Chicago I will comment to see if they are interested :)
Love to read such comments! 🙂
Very nice post
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