Above any monetary value I have gained from this platform, I am most grateful for the thing I have learnt while being here. I have learnt so much.
To be honest, I don't know if I even have a single 'biggest' lesson that I have learnt.
There are definitely multiple things that have assisted me on my journey so far. Let me mention a few:
One of the biggest lessons I have learnt in my time being here so far, is that nothing can beat a solid relationship. Why? Because when you are able to build strong rapport with people, and you need support in times of struggle, they will almost always have your back.
Being able to earn people's trust is in my opinion the most valuable asset.
Steemit has helped me identify this. I have won a few competitions in my time being here, not being I was the most skilled, but because I had the support from my friends on this platform. I am very grateful for that.
I would definitely say that after connections, comes having the drive to keep yourself motivated.
I believe attitude is everything, and if you are able to stay motivated through 'thick and thin', you are bound to achieve greatness. Most people give up too easily. I think having a strong mindset, and a longer-term vision is vital.
We all have great days sometimes, and other times not so great days.. Difference is how you manage to stabilize those emotions. To live in the 'future'. When things are tough, you need to feel the emotion of when things are going to be incredible. This way, you will always feel fantastic.
This was Part 1 of this post-series. I will be revealing a few points in each part. Stay tuned.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!
More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
⏺ Do not wish away your opportunities! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @steemsoccer! Let's support his efforts!!
My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Why I am not a millionaire yet! Extended.
My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)
My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!
My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

Thanks brother.
Thanks for the upvote! :) Talk soon.
My reward is the connection :) I'm still fairly new to the community, but I just said earlier that even though my posts don't get a whole lot of attention, I write about my life experiences. If that affects just one person to help them see the reality of life and others experiences, then I did a good job :) I really resonated with your post, thank you!!!
Totally agree! It's the things we leased expect in life, that end up doing the most. At least, that is what I have experienced! I'm also not going to say I don't appreciate the monetary rewards from this platform, but I have a more long-term vision, so I'm not too focused on it right now.
I am happy to hear you were able to resonate with the context of my writing. Thanks for that!
Talk soon.
Yes, talk soon! Thanks for your inspiration and encouragement :)
Only my pleasure! I get a real kick out of getting other's to want to do more :)_
Talk soon for sure!
Same here, @kimmydee2.😊😊
And you are a great example of that, Linsey!
Talk soon.
Thanks, Zane - that means a lot. Have a great weekend! 😊😊
Soooo great new design @enazwahsdarb! I love it! Very well said Mr. Zane! You are doing really great in this platform. For a short time, you are already reputation 61 OMG! Im so happy to your success. Keep rocking! 🤗
Thank you Haley :) I appreciate your kind words and that you noticed! I personally feel like I have been really slacking towards my goal in the last 4-5 weeks, but thank you! :)
Your encouragement is awesome. Talk soon.
the connections is one of the best rewards that I have experienced in the last time, I realized that between greater and better connections we have we can help each other better, very good post brother.
So true. You know very well about the power of connections I speak of :) It's brilliant. Hope you're well! Thanks for those kind words.
Talk soon.
Amazing post my friend and Are you Kidding me? Your design is crazy cool 😉👍 wow!
Thank you for sharing and talk soon 🤗
Hey sister Sara :) Hope you're fantastic, my friend!
Thanks for your awesome words right there :) I appreciate your constant support. One day when I am big, I will not forget you and all you have done in such a humble manner.
Talk soon.
I'm doing great and I'm so glad you are to 😆
And those designs are really badass 😲✌️
Have a great night my friend and I will se ya soon. Cheers
Ahh thanks Sara! Appreciated.
Anytime my friend 😆 Cheers. Hope to talk soon
Sure! We can talk on my latest posts. I have two recent ones after this :)
Talk soon.
I like the way you are hustling! Steemit really requires to do so in order to be successful and it is awesome. It brings us all to do our best and deliver top notch content. Of course, not all on Steemit is great that gets high upvotes but that is beside the point. Steemit is an instant gratification monster.

I am following you to see what you are up to. ;)
Awesomely said man. I appreciate that feedback. I agree with that 100%.
I believe content is only 50% of the equation. The other 50% is attention :D
If you are at all interested, I did start my latest series about 2 hours ago. Zombie Zane :) Talk soon.
You became my recent role model here. I thought I would be sucessful but after seeing you and your profile I realized I have to step up my game.
You are definitely right! Good relationship with people matters in this community. Many people in this place only know how to show love. I have experienced many myself.
Motivation is also important too because life is full of ups and downs. So when the 'bad' day shows up, one needs self motivation to carry on.
You are really good with graphics brother! Nice one 👍
Awesome comment my man. Thanks for paying attention :) I appreciate that. You're so right too. You said said that really well.
Talk soon.
You are really creative. Well done . You are doing wonderfully well.
Thanks a bunch for that! :) I appreciate that you like my creativity.
Talk soon my friend.
I have read many similar posts and watched many videos made by the whales and dolphins and I've taken all the advice and put it into action but, for some reason, it's not working for me.
I feel that my content is better than most and it's mostly on the crypto-currency world yet they just sit there and rust.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Okay, I took a look at your blog. I am not here to nominate myself any expert, but I did pick up a few things right off the bat that you can improve. Don't ever say 'you have tried everything', because I am just going to tell you that you haven't :)
Sorry, I have a very blunt approach to things, but if you would like my opinion as to what I think you can improve to get better results, let me know and I will send it your way. Either in a comment, or in a post.
Talk soon.
Hey! Thanks for checking out my work.
I don't remember saying I tried everything. What I was trying to say is: I'm ignorant on what I'm doing wrong.
Sure - shoot-over your input. That's what my comment is phishing for.
I'm not one to pretend to know everything and take great pleasure in learning new stuff. Otherwise I get bored and look elsewhere.
Great post, This morning I saw a video with Arnold Schwarzenegger and he said it perfectly: There is no such thing as a selfmade man, You need the help from others to get there
Arnold is one of my biggest motivations, mainly because of how diverse that man is :) Totally agreed! And hey.. He's worths almost half a billion dollars :) Very inspiring.
Thanks for that awesome comment. Talk soon.
yeah enaz. i would say the connection part is biggest for me, too. :)
Sweet brother, I am glad we relate with that! :) It's definitely a new leap in my life, but I am so grateful for the quality of people on this platform.
Next post will be up soon. Talk soon.
A big congratulations to you my friend. I can see that you have achieved a lot in this short period of time here on steemit. I admire that.
Thank you for that brother! It's awesome that you say you have noticed! Really awesome to hear that. But hey, I want to set the path for everyone in my success team to join along! We are all here to achieve greatness. Let's go!!
Talk soon.
Reading this kind of your post is a great encouragement to people like me.@enazwahsdarb. I have been encouraged too here. Although some days are not so good, but I am pushing on still.
I love that brother. It's the most amazing feeling to hear this! I'm glad you are feeling encouraged. Keep up your hustle. Let's do this.
Talk soon.
everything you said here are difinitely on point! steemit is life changing and what I love about this community is the people, inspiration, the knowledge that you get and the motivation!
Such an awesome post @enazwahsdarb, congratulation to for your second months and many blessings will come your way!!
This is awesome to read man :) I appreciate those words. I definitely agree with your outlook about this community. It is really a work of art, compared to any other social platform, simply because the quality of people here are jut amazing.
I appreciate your encouragement. Next post coming in a few hours. Talk soon.
Nice post for motivating me to start working again on Steemit. I stop my journey last year due to time shortage but i start again. Thanks for your post.
Ahh I am glad it motivated you. I believe you reap what you sow in the longer-term, and nothing will beat the power of hustle. Go for it :)
Let me know if you need help with anything!
Talk soon.
76 days. It could give a good motivation to everybody here. Great Posting.
Well thank you for that :) I am glad you are using that as encouragement! Keep in touch!
Talk soon.
Thank you for sharing your experiences on this platform. This kind of write up is indeed motivating. I am also here since June this year and trying to make good relationship with people and the platform.
Awesome stuff brother! It's good to hear you're following a similar approach :) Keep at it, and do what it takes!
Talk soon.
I am loving the new graphics! :D They look awesome. And You always bring some motivation shit to the table. Love that.
What up friend! I appreciate that you like the visuals. I am happy to here I am able to bring that motivation :)
Talk soon!
Lovely designs you have there my friend, keep the cool works rolling. See you soon
I appreciate that brother. Thank you for saying that :) I do it for you guys!
Talk soon.
Sorry for not comment something related to the post, I came here to say that your new design is really cool, I always wanted a cartoon character of me, I want one of those!!!!
Will see you Zane!
Hey my man. That is definitely related to the post haha! A big part of the content is the visual designs.
By the way, where you from? I feel like we have met before. Talk soon.
Upssssssssssssssssssssss, now I feel like a dumb :( I'm honest, I didn't read the post because I just want to say that your design was amazing! well...
I'm from Venezuela, I don't know if you remember a post that I talk about how I was against my family beacuase I wanted to emigrate from here, something like that, I don't think you can remember it.
Haha all good! I know many people don't enjoy reading articles. That' why I put visuals, easy to se and distinguish.
I don't remember if I'm being honest. Nice though! Talk soon.
Yeah reading tons of letters without anything striking maybe can be boring for some persons, that's why I like your style, but no, I'm not that kind of person, in fact I like to read just was in this case that I didn't read the post to make you an acomplish for your work 😬heheh
Keep it up Zane, you're doing great!
Thanks for that my man. Appreciate that :) It's cool that you chose to focus on the design, since many less people spoke about it compared to the supposed words.
Talk soon.
Yo bro! You nailed it! Having solid connections is the key to success here on Steemit. Of course, you won't build a network if you're not motivated enough. So yeah, motivation is also a big factor.
Talk to you soon brother! 😊
Hey sister! Amen to that. Give in order to receive, learn in order to proceed!
How's your designing work you're busy with coming along?
Talk soon.
Hey brother,
I need to buy an ipad pro this thanksgiving day. It's easier to draw that way. :)
Been selling stuff on Fiverr an Etsy. I need to revamp everything.
Take care! 😊
Awesome post, @enazwahsdarb. Look forward to catching up on your other recent posts 😊😊
Ahh thank for the stop-by my friend :) I look forward to it too!
Talk soon.
Congrats on 76 days! Shout-Out Saturday sounds like a great way to give back to the community! :-)
I'm glad you like it my friend :) Awesome that you're paying attention! Giving back is a really solid way to get some real rewards.
You're awesome :) Talk soon.
That's the key to everything. Just be authentic and be yourself. The right people find you and the others disappear. Nice post!
Amen to that brother! You're awesome. I think a perfect example of what you just said, could be of how we met. You told me to DM you. I had no idea what your rep, or account was. I was treating everyone the same. and just trying to be myself. And look! Here we are :)
Talk soon.
I nominate for a shout out @gre3n
Thank you for your nomination :) You're awesome my friend.
Talk soon.
Look at you blowin up dude dayummmm :)
Hey yo Hannah. Appreciate that my friend :) You're doing awesome here. You're a real Lady-Boss, and I appreciate your work ethic.
Talk soon.
Yes, attitude and trust are solid! Great post!
Thanks for your input my friend! You're awesome. How's the house sale coming along?
Talk soon.
Sneaky Ninja attack!
You have been defended!
To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong, I rely on the support of my fellow #thealliance brethren.
When able, please upvote my attacks so that I may stay mighty and continue to defend and protect our beloved team!
good going mate and keep motivated good stuff by you
Thank you my man! That's really awesome for you to say :)
Talk soon.
Overnight success is usually not 'over' night :D
Yes, the ability to persist through tough situations is what makes one stronger and grow.
Awesome comment my friend. So much truth! Thanks for that.
We all need to grow my tolerance for persistence, because if you can strengthen that, you can be unstoppable.
Talk soon.
You are welcome. Keep hustling. I just went through each and every follower of mine and commented on their posts.
Speak soon.
Respect. I tried that when I was smaller.. But it's tough when you have over 1000 followers :D Keep up that work ethic and you will undoubtedly do well. Your mentality is on point. Keep it up brother.
Talk soon.
Thanks, I will.
Talk soon :)
SteemIt. And then, our motivation encourages us to stay connected with other contributors so hand in hand we build the community even stronger everyday. Your stories motivated me and I thank you for that!! Steem On!!!This is amazing @enazwahsdarb! True connections give us motivation to stay in this platform and I think this is one of the strongest points we have in
Wow well said. You really merged my two points to make them contribute towards each other. Very cool. It's so true. I think the main cause for real motivation, and genuine happiness, is progress. As long as you are moving forward, doing what you enjoy, you will always be motivated (naturally), and this will also help people get less bored so often.
Awesome comment. Talk soon!
HERE !!!Upvoted by @andravasko , upvoted community helps minnow steemit . explanation
Thanks for that man! Appreciated :)
Talk soon.
This is a very highly memorable page. It's the first time I've seen so many huge letters in one post. Of course I have not been doing Steemit long. It makes the post stand out, but I'm not sure it's something for me. I may give it a try to see the reaction I get. I do love all that "previous" stuff you have at the end. Is that something you have to put in each time or is there a way to set it up to do after each post? That's great.
Hey man, I appreciate your honesty. To be honest, I enjoy big, bold, in-your-face kind of designs, so it makes me happy making things I enjoy. Then again, I value all of your opinions, as you are the readers, the mot important element to any content-creation niche.
I suppose nothing is for everyone :) That's what makes us all unique!
Uhm.. Yeah, what you can do is just copy the code of the footer. So everything in my posts from 'TO BE CONTINUED' until the end is basically my 'footer'. So just go and copy all that code once the post is made, and you can paste that code into your future posts, just editing the link to your last post.
If that makes sense? :P
Talk soon.
Good post. Success continues ye friends.
Visit my post. Lots of good memes and poems
Thank you for that!
Talk soon.
Great Post @enazwahsdarb,congratulations :)
I appreciate that :) Thank you!
Talk soon.
You have most surely have made some progress. Keep up
Why thank you :) It's awesome that you can see that.
Talk soon!
I need your help to get around. Upvote se of my blogs
What do you need my assistance with?
Talk soon.
Great Post @enazwahsdarb
Thank you very much :)
Talk soon.
Great post all round. You said we were going to talk.
Thank you for that :) So sorry about that. I have SOOO many messages I need to deal with on a daily basis.. I will get to it as soon as I have everything stabilized a little more. I won't sleep tonight if that makes you more at ease :D
Just do me a favor, and send me another message so I can receive it again :) Talk soon.
Thank you very much :)
Its really a tough hustle, but its also fun and educative. Nice post
Totally agreed. Pretty much exactly how the Steemit train should ride! So you're doing great :) It's all very exciting!
Talk soon.
steemit has been motivating and also challenging at the same time for me..
i hope good things also waits me.. :)
Totally agreed. That's pretty much my emotion for this platform too, so we definitely relate :P
Well look, no one can simply predict the future. With that being said, do not 'hope'. Just be confident in yourself, develop the belief within, and do whatever it takes. Do that, and I promise you will have at least double the chances of creating success :) Talk soon.
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle. Greetings @york1
Wow those are some powerful words brother. Thanks for that. Beast wording 101! :D
Talk soon.
great post
Thank you for your comment :)
This post recieved an upvote from theheralds. If you would like to recieve upvotes from theheralds on all your posts, simply FOLLOW@https://steemit.com/@theheralds
Thank you :) Appreciated!
great post and i love the graphics
Thank you very much :) I am glad you like the visuals! Only going up from here.
Talk soon.
Agreed with "build solid connection" - probably the most efficient way!
Totally agreed. Thanks for your opinion my friend.
Talk soon!
Everyday im hus- hustling
Okay wait.. Is that by any chance lyrics to a song? I feel like I have heard that line before LOL.
Talk soon.
"lmfao - party anthem" or something like that
Hahaha I figured so.. Except don't they say 'shuffling' and not 'hustling'? :D
Talk soon!
Wow for me,it is 83 days and still learning much from this platform.
He has helped me along my journey here on Steemit. I have to give shout-out to our own @surpassinggoogle.
Thanks for the insights shared here in this wonderfully formatted post.
How do you make those nice graphics?
That's awesome that you are acknowledging that the man has helped you :) I appreciate that!
I have yet to get into contact with @surpassinggoogle, but it will happen :) Wishing you the best time here on Steemit. Work hard!
Talk soon.
Great concept bro! You have a vision I can see that :D
And that's why I will follow you!
I appreciate if you follow me too or check some of my posts :)
It's really nice that you are able to see that I have vision :) I appreciate that. I will give you a follow back just for being nice! Next part coming up soon.
Talk soon.