Some people are just greedy and desperate as you have stated later on. A lot of people on this platform live off a couple dollars a day. So you can see the huge upside these people see when we in a “gift economy” that well they will be gifted more then they need for a week just for a small cost naturally…
When I tried to freelance online a few years ago I just flat out gave up. I could not even compete at other peoples price level. Even if I was willing to only work for $8 they could hire someone better skilled for $2 an hour. Even worse not all of them claimed to be living overseas a few claimed to be a caretaker just needing a few extra bucks. Which I always doubted and suspected used stolen information to verify they were US citizen. So even when there was a requirement for a US worker they showed up as “US worker for $2 an hour.”
I just wish people check their following list more often and removed the power of these spammers resteemers selling it as a service by not having anyone that is active anymore following them anymore. Then all they will have is their upvote bot networks creating this falseness that people must be “reading and upvoting” after paying for it.