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RE: Today's Truffle Picks: Quality Steemit Posts that deserve more Rewards and Attention! (11.07.2018)

in #steemit7 years ago

Interesting, I’m wondering what effects community votes are having on its predictions than. Even more so if this project will turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy at some point. It seems to understand in my case the chance of a community upvote for my gaming posts. My garden posts on the other hand well those are dead on arrival.

While I’m not quite sure if this curation post would qualify. You might want to check out on discord if you have not already Curation Collective.

The channel Curation-compilations might be interest to you. While they are not large upvotes that could help moves posts closer to predicted values. This is of course if you are even looking to alter this experiment in that way.