Thanks @beeyou, this is a conversation I have with myself all the time.
I actually aspire to write more lower quality posts more often, haha! My monthly resolution for June was to post more often, hence the new account. I've joined Steepshot, so maybe that will help? But I'm usually a bit of a perfectionist plus I'm a pretty slow writer - that's a baaaaad combination on Steemit! Of course it's demotivating - there's nothing like putting hours of though and effort into a post and getting .04 cents - but I'm in no hurry, I know it takes time to build followers and all of that. Just need a bit of patience.
I'd like to think that quality wins out over quantity in the end though!
At the same time I think it would help if I just got over myself and posted more often!
Thanks! And I think you should do the food and the music blogs, who doesn't like food and music!?!? :)
All the best from Thailand :)
Hey alter-ego. :) I also agree quality over quantity. I have my personal account for photo contest entries, but even there, I still can't get myself to simply add a picture with no writing. I have to force myself to write something even though I know no one will ever read it there. That's just me, and I see you feel the same way as well about writing a decent post.
It does take time to build followers, but the reality is, networking in the right circle is the determinant of success on here. You and your wife could continue writing awesome daily posts on traveling and crypto analysis, but it would still be difficult to get ahead unless you join a community. Most people with kids (and a life) simply don't have the time to network and write, but networking it seems, is more important than writing quality content.
I will still write my music posts now and then when I find a song I like, hehe, even though some of my more dedicated followers have no interest at all in my taste of songs. To them, 😜.
Life is just too busy and as you can see, I end up taking bites of my food before a photo shoot. I just don't think I am a social media blogger, tbh.
Enjoy your family time! I cannot believe how fast kids grow. Is the time invested on here worth losing a second of that time? I wonder myself.
Hey! I just noticed your response, thanks for taking the time!
Great point about time. You're exactly right, if the price of Steemit success is to take away time from my family, I'm out. I think we've done pretty good about being present with the munchkin. We've made it a rule not to be on these silly screen things in front of the kid, so like you say, there's no way I'm going to be a Steemit Superstar when I only have limited time to invest. But I'm super okay with that :) If it happens, it will take a lot of time, but I'm fairly patient. We just don't want to model that type of behavior and...screens speed up time. Since our little one joined us, I'm not interested in speeding time up, not even a little bit. I want to sloooooow time down!
We also make Sundays screen-free (that's why my response to you is late) :) This helps us focus on each other and think about other things and helps us get out of the house!
Hope all is well, warm greetings from Thailand :) Oh, and what's your personal account name?