I met some former colleagues of mine whom I'd seen about 6 years ago. Believe me, while I was able to recognize all the guys, it was a Herculean task identifying all the ladies, most of whom I knew to be slim/trim/curvy and unmarried then. Almost all of these once-slim ladies are now looking big and fat and absolutely less plummy than they once were.
Why is it hard for MANY married ladies to stay trim and sexy? Is marriage a "breakthrough from hunger" or what? And why do they express shock when their husbands go after trim and shapely ladies outside? Is it that they don't know that men are typically motivated by sensual sights?
I've seen a lot of ladies in their 30s who are so lazy to even take a 20 minutes walk in a week, at least just to exercise and burn some fat. Let's not even mention going to the gym. They drive or board the bus all their lives. And when they eat, you'd be amazed at the amount of calories they consume!
Are this category of ladies aware that the game is becoming dangerously tighter because "today’s husband" is constantly inundated with young, trim, energetic and sexy girls on a daily basis; while his own wife keeps growing fat and out of shape and looking like his mother? Guys, do you like your wife looking like she's your mum?