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RE: Steemit: The Anti-Social Network

in #steemit6 years ago

Well the rich always get richer, wherever you look. The tag line for hf20 probably was more like "the rich get slightly less richer than before", and this is pretty much self evident from not being able milk early curation. I know the point about returning to the pool still might get assigned to them in some way, but it is still greatly diluted.


I actually agree that the HF20 isn't a problem in some aspects. I majorly agree that some of it is cutting edge. My main issue is with the restriction on very very small accounts being able to use the platform... ie restricting their free speech by limiting their comments.

Yeah, it sounds like the parameters are still not ideal for new accounts. I think they will tweak the parameters, though I don't know for sure.

(Edit): oh interesting... now looking at the discussion again and your edits on top, it looks like there is some discussion about it, but I didn't see anything conclusive there hmm...

would 30x be better than the 10x?

yes... but even better would be changing the formula so that comments (free speech) is worth much less than they've assigned to it. That would solve the problem entirely.

yes there is definitely discussion... look down to the @ned and @yabapmatt thread.... They do need to iron it out and hopefully sooner rather than later.

Since the vast majority of the really rich don't post at all, the early curation change doesn't really matter to them. There's a reasonable argument that its main effect is to keep more people from joining them, which is very much a "preserving the oligarchy" level of action.

Oh right, so I should append "... while the uber-rich point and laugh" .

I don't think the curation is what's holding back people from joining their ranks, as any avenue of growing wealth on this platform is available to everyone. Some may not be posting and voting but there are examples of post farming at that level too, or delegations to such things. Or just bid bots as a lazier way that earns slightly less. So they took one method out. No real change there, I'd argue.

(Edit: actually I should just scrap any tagline altogether, really.)