You realize she isn't claiming any of that right? Let me approach this in a slightly different way.
Look at your last post. How would you feel if a project you contributed to left out any hint that you had contributed at all? I think part of the confusion is you have a giant list of people you thank for their support, and yet you don't thank @itinerantartist for the work she did do. I understand that you had to do a lot of work to get things working but I don't think it's unreasonable to add a small line as a shout out in this same area.
As I read this whole thing again, it may very well be that there's a misunderstanding with how you structured your update posts. That's my two cents anyway.
Here’s my take. As the project progresses, things are iterative. Work changes, updates happen, design changes. I’m not going to slap a disclaimer on the build bc someone contributed partially through it. There are 1000’s of interfaces ive worked on like Facebook, tinder, Snapchat even LinkedIn and do you see me in the credits? When it comes to this platform, posts are what drive it. As my design takes shape moving forward fonts, placeholder images, functionality, simplification of UI, adjustments... all of it changes things. I’ve done the work moving forward hence why i left credit off. The design has changed so much that it’s not the same. If someone wants to claim from my high fidelity wireframes that they have severely altered the design they need to recheck the wireframe bc the minimal alterations they have done is asimilar to the adjustments I’ve made.
In design, things undergo tons of changes. I personally feel strongly giving credit where credit is due. But this instance, the design has already changed... and the work I’ve done personally. If she or anyone else decided to do the hours of adjustments I’d most def have left credit.
Aside from that, it’s unprofessionalism in posts like this that make decentralized platforms shitty. From these posts i lose all respect to her as a designer. I’ve been working with about 40 ppl across 4 other projects and not once scream the credit card. Things like dtube and fundition both great UI’s that I’ve provided adjustments on. I’m not screaming credit please! Lol that’s the difference between us! Now i see these posts and they TAINT the hard work and my reputation as a creator and designer bc of this crap!
Completely and utterly DISGUSTED! I will continue my build but now it’s a learning lesson. I can’t believe ppl think all of a sudden that they are a permanent blurb on the interface etc. like add this on my resume of things i built lol no thanks!
I agree with what you are saying, and that's why I was now more focused on the structure of the updates you are giving. It makes sense that if she didn't contribute to the update that you don't need special mention for every single subsequent update. On a quick pass that giant list of people you thank looks like a credits section of people that have contributed to the project thus far, so to me it was odd to have that but leave previous contributors out. But now I sort of understand that list is not quite the same, looks more like a sponsorship section.
Thanks for your time in clarifying by the way.
It was a list of community support! Her name is in it. It’s all good! I’m done defending here. It’s not constructive and takes me away from the real project - trying to help others. I find it hilarious where my title SugarSteem can be mentioned but my name theuxyeti is not! VERY SHADY! This is typical of a junior designer melennial mentality and sadly it’s no longer a concern. Thanks for your responses!!! And i hope you continue to follow me and SugarSteem to see the updates and comment constructively to help grow the interface into something that will help improve your experience also. Cheers friend!