Quit smoking those joints, you imagine to much stuff, better start writing when you smoke, it will help.
Playing the broken record with the blacklist even if it's in the post. zombee unblacklisted everyone and gave the chance to all users the next day you stupid kid, and I could easily create 20 accounts after I found out and upvote them with my delegation and take a lot of rewards. I choose to make this public instead. So the theory with blacklist doesn't add up to your retarded story. It's fucking in the post, so you retards that are trying to blame me for his stupid shit probably can't read and comprehend that wasn't the reason as I could easily earn rewards again.
That why you are so mad, because you don't have nothing against me. You can't even use the blacklist pretext because it doesn't make any sense :)))
Go buy yourself an ice cream and find a good shrink, instead of imagining wasting money that you don't have on assassins . I don't know on which movie you are in after 5 joints, but it must be good.
Going to stop this here, do what you wish. It was fun tough, was expecting you and other people to act this way. So :