There was some dude yesterday on dMania with like 7 accounts, two of them created through anonsteem. His explanation was : "one is my mothers account (old lady posting in dMania with bidbots, imagine that), one was my cousin account, one is my sister account, one is my brother account, one is my second cousin's account, one is my brother in law account ... but they don't have the necessary knowledge to withdraw their own money" So how the fuck are they able to make memes and use bidbots ? :))) I will try to post the screenshots later, it was fun.
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I am the dude he is talking about and I have made this post so that you can see that your accusations about me are false.
Oh I guess you missed the part where you were trying to extort money from me?
Here it is for everyone to see.
As you see my name isn't bonjour, even tough I like french... And you don't make so much money to make it worth it for me to try to scam a scammer, by taking his money and posting him anyways. I liked what he tried tough. Scammers should be scammed, to know how it feels when they are doing the same thing to others in different ways.
But I have screenshots of your conversation from the discord channel sent to me. The user who talked to you was only throwing bait to see what they would do after the information provided, he didn't only send info about you, but also clear info about an user who was using 4 accounts to post on dMania even if that wasn't allowed. Of course , nothing happened to you or him as always.
As for your explanation, I will never buy that in a million years. All accounts are sending money to you. 2 accounts are made through anonsteem, at least 2-3 of them would have had an exchange account and your mother posting in dMania with bidbots :))) Come on man. You basically said here that you where doing all the stuff in her place (transfers,posting,sending money to bidbots). What makes it "her" account then? Just the name? If you do all the operations on "her" account, then it makes it your account.
I love it when abusers try to be slick, but I will never understand your logic. I even think you have the same patterns :
Your explanation :
Good luck, won't waste my time replying to you anymore
I never said I post from her account. If you compare my posts and my mother's posts, you can see that they are very distinguishable from each and clearly not written by the same author.
She posts and I help her with the bid bots and transfers. What is wrong with that?
If you go through this post you can see clear evidence that whatever you're talking about is bullshit.
If I had to hide the fact that I created 2 accounts through anonsteem(which I did for 2 members of my family as the steemit registration process was taking too long) don't you think I would have used another cryptocurrency to make it completely anonymous?
Use your brain here. There is plenty of evidence in my post to support my claim.If I had anything to hide, why would I make it public on my profile that @thedanklad is my second account.
Ce face?
Moral Contortionists at its best... they have always been around, they will always be around...
Chisos 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and one's my auntys sister grandpas late sister account 😂😂 MOTHERFUCKER! @zombee 😂