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RE: The future of STEEM? :-)

in #steemit7 years ago

Thank you for your well thought answer, @quocvietle - what I realize is that "networking" also means to reveal some of my private thoughts and doubts. As I do react myself on articles which show me that other people also are just humans. In times of frustration I just notice right here and now that I have to get in touch and talk to people in an active way - same when I am happy and content. As the bonds here on steemit just started and I kind of do not always know to whom and how I can get in touch with, I spontaniously answered @jaki01 s posting. And here I am, talking to you - feels good and right.

Strange thing is that connections seem to work better when pain is involved. Makes me confused.

I could never write about something which doesn't catch my interest and personal taste. Wouldn't be worth the time.

I think I am suffering sometimes for the "caring-part" you mentioned.

I will join you as already I was kind of eager to comment on your postings but didn't know what to say for it is so far from what I can talk about. So: Very good to have here a little dialogue.


I understand and feel just the same as you do.
We can use the chat.
Please, write me if you need any help.. or whatever.. :D

Thank you, that is very kind. I have to go to work now. See & talk to you later or soon:)