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RE: Random Ponderings About Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Well if you are only here to get upvotes and cash out with no intention of being part of the community and would rather be on other social media sites that literally pay you nothing... You will find that people that care about steem and the blockchain wont value your contribution to the blockchain... Nothing personal :).

Also... You can live stream and upload videos on, a dApp on the steem blockchain, fyi. They also dont take 25% from your rewards in addition to the 25% that is already taken out for curation.

Also, the amount of effort that @flauwy put into responding to your questions is deserving of an upvote... He is trying to help you.

If you want rewards from the community I suggest an effort to be part of the community and upvote others that go out of their way to answer a question (In great detail might I add).

It is not like they are taking rewards out of your pocket when you upvote stuff.

If you didnt cash out every amount of rewards everytime you could you might be a whale on here with a million dollars worth of steem power literally living off self-upvoting.

You seemingly know a lot about economics but seemingly not about investing.


Also, my goal is to get the message to as many people as possible. If I'm preaching to a "community" of a few dozen anarchists here, instead of getting it out to thousands of statists, I would choose the latter, regardless of who was paying what.

I dont know your situation but I do know the situation better here. If you want help promoting your message here and how to be a larger ASSET to the community and, thus, letting the "few dozen" anarchists here promote to other social media outlets FOR you this could be a great way to do that.

You cant just come on here, throw something against the wall, cash everything out then come and complain that you get less than minimum wage for your efforts.

There is a learning curve here and a strategy to be effective.

If you want I can help, if not, good luck.

I don't have much interest in helping people that only care about what the community can do FOR THEM rather than what WE can do together.

Regardless of what your upvote is worth at the very least it is symbolic of your appreciation.

Not wanting to engage in the community and show appreciation or value for other people's contribution is a quick way to waste a lot of time on here.

You're right about the upvote for his response. He got one whole cent from mine, just now. And if I didn't need to pay bills while constantly on the edge of poverty, I wouldn't have cashed out every time. Your last comment presumes that you know my situation. You don't.

Vote the way you want. It's your SP. Spend it as you wish. You have no obligation to upvote a lengthy reply. That's one of the beautiful things about Steemit. People can support what they want.

If @jamesc wants to support a person running for political office, he's free to do it. If he wants to support someone who doesn't believe in private property, he's free to do that as well. Right, @kafkanarchy84?