Here is My Favorite
(Please be fake, please be fake, please don't tell me these piles of mush are our future).
Look how PROUD they are
to spew that ignorance. It would be funny to me if it wasn't so sad.
My first mistake
was getting on facebook (my bad! I kept getting cut in line at the gas station because people don't know how to work a line up when there are two cash registers). Seriously people, have yall been to a bank before? Stand in line, the teller will call up the next available. It is the most efficient and far way to get people in, ringed up and on their way.....
But noooooooo. Evidently I was invisible today.
(Good to know.)
Why am I getting a flashback to 1982 on set at "Porky's"? I wasn't even born yet?!
My second mistake
was reading the comments
Oh boy, here we go!
I hope that man is on Steemit: he deserves an upvote for that.....
I'm sure THAT comment went over REALLY WELL with people that put the constitution on level ground as their bibles. (I never understood the draw to magical pieces of paper. Then again, Harry Potter was pretty popular).
The responses were expected. Lets all pile on the guy that is talking from an individual and moral standpoint (fuck him, right?)
Well: it happened.
I stretched out my arms, shoulders, elbows, forearms and fingers and did that gross "crack-every-knuckle-and-joint-in-both-hands" move us weirdos do.... And I was off and running.
My Response:
Okay guys: I know this is crazy but stick with me.
So... What is SANE is taking the majority vote, from a populace that doesnt even understand what to do at a 4 way stop or how to work a "double cash register" single line (person next in line goes to the next open cashier)....
What's sane is expecting people to vote between two sociopaths, acting like they are "educated" on the politics, but dont even bother to learn the difference between Austrian economics and Keynesian....
Has knee-jerk reactions to everything the media shoves down their throat...
Can be led by simple mindless rhetoric paraded out by strategists on cable tv shows that earlier were given scripted talking points by the political strategists...
Okay, so let me get this straight.... Over 100 years of "choosing the lesser of two evils" is NOT the reason we cant have nice things?
Seems to me that is what we have been trying and what is a fault here.
I say the "reason we cant have nice things" is because we believe in this illusion of authority that sociopaths have the right to oppress YOU simply because idiots believe them.
Google "Bernays", the "father of" P.R. and propaganda (and, ironically, nephew of Freud).
Every fortune 500 company ceo and political leader has studied his work.
Paraphrased his message is this: if you are intelligent enough to fool people and get them to act in a certain way, you not only have the right to do so, but the obligation.
And that, my friends, is why "we cant have nice things"
Because people give authority to pieces of paper and costumes and not each other.
Because people believe they have the moral obligation to tell others how to live their lives... And if the majority of idiots decide to take away YOUR rights.... That is legal to do.
No... Sounds like y'all are the "reason we cant have nice things".
Response to my response:
And finally, my response to his response to my response:
Where? Where?
I am speaking from an individual, moral standpoint that I do not have the authority to tell you what to do. How you feel about the matter is IRRELEVANT to my beliefs and my actions.
You're living in anarchy dude, every day. You have large amounts of autonomy to live your life how you want.
Your believe in magic spells and pieces of papers and costumes is cute...
Especially when you advocate for that authority to have more power over your life and has the ability to kidnap you, throw you in a rape cage (even if you have harmed NO ONE) and leave you there as long as the magical paper or some guy with a night robe says.
Yeah. I'm the crazy one, right?
Have fun doing the same thing over and over while expecting the same results...
And then have the audacity to have an attitude of moral superiority over people that think like me and blame us for the problems you helped create?!
Oooohkay dude.
I think Carlin is smarter than anyone in this comments section.... I am siding with him.
Oh and: when, (exactly) do you think that you will get "the right people in to fix it"?
Hows that been working out the last 240 years?
I have a strict rule: unless you are physically holding a mic, hold it out in front of you and drop it to the ground you can't claim it was a mic drop. It is like giving yourself a nickname, that's not how it works: someone else has to do it.
So, Steemians. Was that a mic drop or did I waste my time arguing with people that refuse to see things from a moral standpoint?
You tell me.
Source: Facebook, the page of "The Pragmatic Libertarian."
I tell you what, it just goes to show that the only thing Libertarians hate more than government is other Libertarians.
I hope I will one day be able to write such delightful pieces as this one, it's actually inspired me to take the quill pill and start writing my own, so thank you!
Until then, count me as a new follower and an enthusiastic reader of your future work.@ericwilson - Words can not describe how much I enjoyed your post! The humour in your writing is what got me the most, I genuinely laughed out loud in places.
In response to your question - To me, and all logical, critical thinking people and those capable of using their brain (The Steemian Race - we're all that's left in the above departments it seems) it was a superb mic-drop. So bravo, dear writer, bravo! (auditorium applause, Steemians chanting your name! Eric, Eric!).
It probably will always been seen as a waste of time arguing with people incapable of thinking for themselves, but the itch is just too strong to resist sometimes. (I too, occasionally give in to the darkness and poke the beasts in their brain hole when I see a lone logical in trouble)
The way I see it, if they are going to shove their un-informed mob-mentality media-meddled garbage down our throats, what better than giving them a taste of their own medicine from time to time. Ours just happens to be better written, more articulate and showing more reasoning than they could ever hope to possess. And I think that's what they hate the most about us. They only have death threat come-backs, copied speeches and swearwords in their entire free thinking vocabulary.
So when they make it personal, just smile and know you've won, whether they realise it or not (I'd pity them if their ignorance didn't annoy me so much sometimes).
I suppose the reason we jump on the reason rant train is there will always be some part of us that thinks 'if we can get through to just one of these people (what do we even call the mind-raped masses now? Normies? Mourn Porners? The Pitied? Idiots?) then there is at least some hope for the future.' (Probably pointless, but a girl can dream) and hey, above all else, at least YOU tried!
Be the change you want to see in the world and lead by example, that is literally all we can do any more. And if that means taking the 'sod it, let's get our reason rant on!' approach from time to time to give them some brain pain, then do it.
It's probably the only way left to show they don't own us all. Plus, if you relay it here, it's nothing but a brilliant read for your fellow Steemians to enjoy! You never know, maybe it will inspire more of us to do the same, as we need to fight back against them somehow. And what better way to do that than with words from the wise.
So keep up the good fight, and most importantly, keep dropping that mic!
'Cause if someone's gotta do it, it might as well be you.
@tvortalks, that is, by far, the nicest thing anyone has said to me in regards to my writing, THANK YOU!
I honestly never thought of myself as much of a writer but in some situations I am properly motivated to go all "streaming consciousness" when I feel justified in doing so.
Like I said in the post, I really have enjoyed my vacation from politics but sometimes I have to say what is bugging me.
Thank you for the kind words and the follow. Now I just have to live up to the expectations :)
I like your post @ericwilson
Thank you, @nurmidirman!!
Follow for more great content!
I usually treat Steemit like a safe haven from politics.... Being in an environment of mostly like-minded people has allowed me to be what I really enjoy being: happy, serene, and apolitical.
Sometimes the Lion has to remind the Hyenas who the king of the jungle is.
I hope (for my own sanity) I am able to ignore the notifications I get for the (very likely) parade of replies I will be receiving all day. Maybe I will turn off notifications right now).
Funny story: one time I did some facebook political trolling. It may sound strange but when I do "troll" I do it as a form of activism to get people to question their strongly held beliefs: a Mount Everest of a task on Facebook and most (if not all) social media sites. (Is Steemit included in that statement?)
After ending my lunch break I put my phone on the charger and went to another part of the house. 20 minutes later my boss walks over to my with my phone and said: "I don't know if someone is trying to get in touch with you or what is going on but your phone has been dinging and ringing since you put it on the charger."
I checked my phone: over 40 replies to me and 9 out of every 10 were foaming-at-the-mouth hate full of vitriol. I had people messaging me saying they hope I died or get horribly disfigured.... Wishes of ill-will including cancer, plague, pestilence: they basically called upon all the Bible's plagues to come down on me.
It wasn't even having anything to do with religion, either! I was talking about pretty much the same thing I talked about in this post.... They just felt I was out of line to question their authority....
Yes It is right.I tell you what, it just goes to show that the only thing Libertarians hate more than government is other Libertarians.
This is good