Dear @rok-sivante, thank you very much for all your wonderful posts. I enjoyed reading many of them.
I am in no position to judge you, your words, decisions and actions. I don't even expect that you will reply to any of our comments. But you've pushed us to come out. I bet this was one of your intentions with the article.
We can only speak for ourselves, for our actions and beliefs.
I see this platform as a big opportunity for a really successful self-sustainable blogging platform. Never mind the technology behind it. It is the usage that determines the outcome. It is the ethics of it. And this platform, better said the Gods of Steemitverse lack the ethics, lack the empathy towards all the members of the community. Towards each and every one of us, without distinction.
This platform might be decentralised technologically. I disagree on that account too. But it is extremely centralised when it comes to the power distribution. If this doesn't change it will be the end of it.
Recently there are many initiatives forming - curation groups, curator's led benevolent bots, many different tries to make it interesting and engaging, ...
But none, not one, of these initiatives is coming from the Gods of Steemitverse themselves. Sad, very sad.
Will I stick here for a while longer? I will. But at the same time I am investing more and more of my energy and resources into other options which appear to have a much more sounder ground. You can check all my $0.00 posts to see what I am hinting at :)
Rok, good luck to you.
Better and better!