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RE: A Questionnaire For Whales And Solutions For FRUSTRATED MINNOWS: Comments Are Needed, Don't Have To Upvote

in #steemit9 years ago

I agree completely - it is discouraging.

I'll be blunt. This system sometimes (more and more) reminds me on the real world economics. 1% of people is holding on to 99% of wealth.

We know very well that this is not sustainable in the long run.

The write and be happy mantra won't help, I am afraid.

Your suggestions are valid. You care deeply.

Let's see the reactions of those your questions are aimed at.


Yeah, but involuntary (coercive) redistribution is certainly not the right answer. It's in beta too. As more folks rise up, the current advantages of the top 1% will be diminished. And, in this case, other than the fact that the 1% can "vote harder", the group has much to say about what will rise to the top. Only those who are creating good content should be rewarded.
The challenge right now is that many who are creating great content aren't getting recognition while some less helpful posts are getting a lot of popularity and celebrity votes. That's life. Hopefully the community will mature beyond this flocking (mob) mentality, but it is something we tend to gravitate to.

many who are creating great content aren't getting recognition while some less helpful posts are getting a lot of popularity and celebrity votes. That's life. Hopefully the community will mature beyond this

This is an exact mirror of society.
We've got people like Larken Rose publishing books that could free people from a slavery they don't even realize they're in, and hardly anyone (percentage of the population-wise) knows who he is.
Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian waggles her enormous baby-oiled ass in front of a camera, and the entire world stops to goggle and applaud. That woman contributes nothing--nothing--to society, and yet she's the celebrity pulling in all the money on her name alone, while Larken is setting up donation drives.

We won't mature past this. This is what we are, unfortunately.
This is society in a microcosm.