There's good money to be made in prolonging the problem.
Ain't THAT the damn truth! You see it every day.
I stole this meme from another post which raises some very interesting points. I recommend that you read it.
as an off-topic subject, what do you think of this?
Everyone should have paid family leave if they can pay for it.
If they don't like the job they have...get one that has better benifits.
Anytime the guberment meddles with something the price goes UP.
Government screws up everything it touches.
'prolonging the problem' best way to ensure repeat business
Brother the link to the other post isn't working.
thanks...fixed it.
Link to the other post has a malformed url. Extra HTTP in there.
fixed it.
Link is not working.
fixed it.
If iam not a part of solution must be forbearance is a difficult thing to do for some people. However, if done can bring peace of mind and heart. In fact. patience has no limits, but it is humans who make these restrictions. Sometimes, silence is the best thing to do when we need to be patient.
Silence is not silent without action. Silence is meant as a 'pause' for us to take a break from thinking about the problem, then think of the next way to deal with the problem.