Opera Next?
there is more than one Opera?
Question: how about makeing a script that allows the hiding of any or all languages of your choice?
for example...I can only read English...I have no need for spanish, chinese, or any other Language on my feed.
can't understand them...they are of no interest to me.
I hadn't caught that myself, but yes, apparently there is! lol
believe it or not, that would actually be a lot trickier to do, since there's no "language tag" to filter out. But of course, that's also more of an issue on the public feeds. On your own feed, just don't follow people you can't understand! :)
actually there are language tags.
they aren't always used.
on my feed I mute anything that I can't understand.
what I mean is nothing easily appears consistently in the UI rendering that I could tell to efficiently give an appropriate "indication". if you can find one though, let me know!
could be...I thought I've seen tags for 'korean' and 'spanish'...maybe not.
even then, it would have to show the data on the post list, without having to actually open each post just to extract the data as well (otherwise just think of the overhead)!
no clue.
I'm a user...not a geek.