I'm doing the best I can.
I have written
1768 posts
(articles and comments)
I follow 802 People
(not bots...I check)
and I only have 276 followers
Big Ka-Hunna.
You're my only chance!
(Yeah ...I know...keep paddling)
It looks like you have made over 2,000SP just on your content. If so, that is quite an accomplishment. I had to buy mine (and voting gives me about 50SP per day if I am lucky)
I've re invested everything I earned form author and curation rewards.
I don't have any discretionary money to invest.
I'm paddling as hard as I can.
I'm not suggesting we sell our kidneys, just that we should be careful what we wish for :)
Try to think in percentage terms. Berwick's the big kahuna, right? with 3000+ followers.
You have almost 10% as many as him.
Imagine having 10% as many subscribers as the biggest guy on twitter. (I want to say Ashton Kutcher?).
I guess I gotta get naked and walk in the back door of Charlie's house in order to "be like Ashton" - hehe. My six pack is not what it used to be - so no luck there likely.
I try not to be a twit.
So I dunno who you are referring to.
I assume it's a good thing?