
Something that draw my interest for some reason or another but I haven't got back to it yet. So I don't know about it myself

I understand it's the Steemit equivalent to twitter.
short comments.

Never used Twitter, turned off by the hype. Same with Facebook... plus I'm not putting my whole damn life on Facebook so they can own it! Whats in it for me?

can't see a problem with that.
tweak the snowflakes and make them cry.

But yeah, went off on a rant there! I like to get in and out with my writing. Its like a game to me to whittle down what I want to say as much as possible. Drive-by commenting!! :)

Ahh "ZAPL?" I missed your answer, you knew it. Yep thats exactly the reason it caught my interest! Thx for remnding me haha. Seems perfect for what I like to do ZAPL does :)