I suggest that down voting be weighted the same way as upvoting except with a negative. As it is downvoting has much too much power all out of proportion.
For example..If I upvote someone and the value only ticks up one cent..then a down vote should be a minus one cent.
it seem that 'skin in the game' should enter into it. Not sure how to do that.
That is exactly how it works currently.
then how come an up vote might have no discernable effect or at most a few cents while a down vote blows him out of the water? Complete wipe out, and machine guns the survivors?
Because votes increase in effect once there are already other votes on the same content. If a comment is at $0 and you upvote, it might go up by few cents. If it is already at $100 then your vote, up or down, will move it by a lot more than a few cents.
ok..that explains the upvote...now how come one downvote blanks out the whole post?
Off topic but wanted to to get your thoughts on this. I think it would be a good expiriment.