RePost: chainBB v0.3.0 -

in #steemit8 years ago

social feed, following, and forum subscriptions
Alternative to Steemit for accessing the BlockChain.


  • What is chainBB?
    chainBB is a discussion forum style interface on the Steem blockchain. It's a completely standalone alternative to, and built by me, @jesta. It uses many of the same mechanics that uses, but presents the information in a much different way. All posts on the Steem blockchain are available via chainBB, just as they are on

Thanks for the pointer; I will check it out, and it's been on my list for a while.

you're welcome

master @surfyogi how are you,,,,,nice to know you !

Will check it out when I'm on a desktop later. So the info from steemit is there does that work the other way? Can i vote and post on chainbb and will it appear on steemit?


Thats LEKKER!!!!!

Master @everittdmickey for what chainBB v0.3.0 it is,,?