I’ve hinted at it on several occasions in the comment section and I made this mysterious post when I did it. Some have suspected, others guessed it, and a few have assumed from the start that blogging on Steemit is my full time job, but that hasn’t been true, until now.
So here it is: I quit my job as a cook and I am now a full time Steemit blogger and taking baby steps into crypto trading.
I’ve been contemplating if I should tell you this and decided that I wanted to be honest with you.
I’m not going to go into detail about the reasons why I quit my job, but it was both mental and physical heath. I did make a very detailed pro-con list that I might share on a later date. And btw, I was really good at my job. My boss was truly bummed that I quit, which is kind of funny because I’m an asshole, but a really hard working one. And I know @escapist will miss her sidekick at work.
I’ve work really damn hard towards this goal for the past six months, 5-7 days a week in the kitchen and using every spare time I have to take pictures and being active on Steemit. It finally started to pay off and I’m forever grateful. You chanced my life, for the better.
This decision has been the most scary and exciting one I have ever made. I couldn’t be more happy about it. But like I said on my mystery post, now the real work begins. Now I’m fully in control of my own life and how I spent my time, if, when and how I choose to work. Taking full responsibility, adulting and shit.
I’m a little bit of a pessimist so I’m afraid all of this might come crashing down any minute. But I will work my hardest and do what ever I can in order to provide content YOU want to see and feel there is some value to it. My posts will always be picture heavy and I want to make sure that I will bring you interesting, diverse, witty and beautiful material, weather it’s self portraits, travel or nature pictures.
So, what do you want to see from me?
And I do not accept answers like:”What ever you want to show us!”, I’m looking at you @reinhard-schmid and @mejustandrew 😈 😈
Well done .. really difficult decision
Beautiful how much life carries for the brave of opportunities and gifts
It makes us stronger and more positive
Thank you for sharing with us your experiences
My hat's off to the bravery it must have taken! I feel like a lot of us live in the shadows of these platforms maybe hoping for a "get-rich-quick" to fall into grace but little of the time does that happen. It takes hard work and persistence and not being afraid to fall. Especially with how tricky it is to navigate through all the shit of people that are here just to make money rather than push good content. I'm still new to the scene but that's been my main observation is people just peddling garbage to boost their post to make a buck. I wish you the best and hope we all grow on here together and have something to show for it.
Sidebar, that gin quote is fantastic. Sub gin for craft beer and it works perfectly for myself! Cheers!
How have I missed this comment!? I'm so sorry to be getting back to you this late, two days is an eternity in internet time!
First of all, thank you!
I think most people will never realize that the get-rich-quick does not actually exist, other than in a lottery, and the changes for the win are minuscule. I really wish we'd get a better filtering system for weeding out all the shit in this platform and for making it easier to see better content from all areas that interests us.
You made me chuckle with your bio, very unique. I like unique.
you're so cute forsure
We want to continue seeing more and more of YOU--authentic, unfiltered, "uncovered", etc. We wanna to know (and see) what inspires you, what excites you, what disgusts you, what delights you, what motivates you, etc. Basically, you be you and let the world watch.
Wishing you the best,
Sean and Cindy
❤️ A huge thank you for you both, you have been a big part of my success in here. Thank you for the support and kind words you always have for me. I am forever grateful. 😊❤️
@sean-king the thing which motivate me is that one day people on steemit will know me by my name @zshah that why i am here want to make friends across the globe
I really will miss my evil sidekick! To whom i roll my eyes now!? At least you can not kick me out of your normal life! 😂I’m truly proud of you darlin’!
It sure would be hard to kick you out, as you have the key to my apartment 😂 Thank you for always supporting me on my (sometimes stupid) adventures❤️
Go crypto trader!!!!😀
But, you still gonna combine this with modellling too, I hope?😀 I can tell you that ‘unless it’s a Hollywood movie about crypto trading’ I sure haven’t anything sexy about watching green and red bars on the screen all day!
(Ok, actually, large green bars can be sexy in way, but only if you can picture converting the proceeds into a ‘lambo’/etc.... , and preferably with a hot girl posing in front of it😂)
(Ok, actually I guess the green bars can be a bit sexy in a way,.....but only if you can picture converting the proceeds into a ‘lambo’/etc..... and preferably with a ‘hot girl’ posing next to it😂) (ok, actually, large green bars I guess can be sexy in a way, but only if you can imagine converting the profit into ‘lambos’/etc😄)
Ok, actually, large green bars can be ‘sexy’ in a way.....but only if you can picture converting the proceeds into a ‘lambo’/etc.... , and preferably with a hot girl posing in front of it😂
Hahaha my blog will never be about trading, don’t worry. And what comes to the proceeds, I did just order the sexiest pair of shoes, it’s not quite a lambo but they will take me to places, slowly but surely, like from the bed to the fridge, and back 😁😁
And hey, nice to see you are alive!
Thanks, that’s really sweet of you to say!!😍😉
(‘Shoes will take you places’.... 😂 haha .....yes, maybe if the heals are not too ridiculously high that you can’t actually walk in them😄. Actually, now that’s given me my request in answer to your question: I want to see the shoes 👠 s!!!😀)
I’ve missed you! What have you been up to?
Okay, I’ll show you a sneak peak of the shoes if you promise not to tell anyone! I have to do a proper photoshoot with them some day😝 and yes, they are very high and I can still walk in them, though slowly.
As a suspected!😄
You probably wouldn’t make it very far wearing those ...e.g. in the forests of Finland, and maybe a bear was chasing you!😄
But apart from practicality, any posts with: ‘high healed shoes’, ‘platform shoes’, ‘strappy sandles’ etc😉 .... should just about guarantee a full upvote from me! (based on my totally fair and objective upvoting criteria of course😂)
As for me I was day trading pretty much 24/7 up to the end of the year; now I have quit....although in hindsight should have sold out more crypto (like many people are thinking today! 😢). Apart from that, planning to move to another country - for tax reasons! - hopefully in the next two months😄
I could always stab the bear to death with these heels😁
😂😂😂 I fully approve of your voting criteria! Though I might be a little bias.. Thanks for the insane upvote😝❤️
Ugh, I see how that has been keeping you away from social media. It might not be a bad thing to take a little break from day trading 😁
Where are you thinking of moving? And from where?
Louboutin black patent
aka sexiest shoes in the world ❤️❤️❤️
Are those So Kate's?
Well yes they are! #dreamcometrue
Hahaha.. ok 😇
But first of all, I'd like to congratulate you to this decision! Being "self employed" is not for everyone, and it takes guts to leave the safety of a regualr income and all social security and tax and so on sort of being taken care of.
I have lived this way for as long as I can think of. The only time I was ever "emplyed" was in the navy and during my training for becoming a glass painter. But I'm not good at taking orders and that's why it was my best opion to try it on my own. I never thought about failing, just did it.
Of course there were some really tough times, but I think you paved your way nicely and I've been wondering for a while already, why you wouldn't make this change in your life.
You have a real gift there, young lady :-)The way you sometimes take on different "roles" but always remain yourself, how you tell your stories, down to earth but with an unpretencious grace and elegance its all so very special and its no surprise, that your audience is naturally drawn to you.
So, what would I like to see? Hm... ok, as an artist (naturally egomaniacs) I'd say, that this isn't what you ask your audience, because that forms, whith what you show them.
Plus, if you still want to know, I'm most likely the worst person to ask... if I like something, I can always look at the same "thing"... maybe from different angles 😎😇
I do like the polaroids as you know and I think in the end, part of the secret to your success is your variety. And don't worry... you didn't start blogging with asking people, what they want to see. Its YOUR creativity we all enjoy, letting us participate in all the things you enjoy, be it taking pictures of yourself with that very special atmosphere or showing us your surroundings and your country.... and maybe a few others in the future!
Haha.. ok, I'm starting to repeat myself 😛
I wish you all the best for your future and all the success, you so well deserve 🚀🚀🚀
Good morning! I'm always a little giddy when I see a comment from you, especially a long one. I actually already read your comment before I went to bed but wanted to savour it until the morning and answer with a clear brain :)
I'm right there with you on being bad at taking orders and working for someone else, I have a huge problem with authority. It's going to be interesting to be finally working for myself and only with myself every day, it's something I've always wanted to do. I have a tendency to sleep in way too late and just lazy around all day if no-one is forcing me to work, so it's going to be a good kind of challenge for me to make myself work harder.
I love that you get me and my roles, the fact that it's all me, just different sides, not many people understand that. And of course I'm not just going to start doing what ever people ask of me, it needs to suit my niche, but I like to hear if there is anything in particular you want to see, like the polaroids. I promise I'll take something for next Sunday! By then I will probably have something quite special in my possession and on my feet, that I have a need to share an excessive amount of pictures! ;)
Thank you for your support and encouragements <3
Hehe... out of bed yet?
Thank you very much for your elaborate answer! Glad you liked my comment, it was late for me too and when I got up this morning I wasn't sure my words made any sense ;-)
When I was young, I was quite disciplined and had a rather fixed schedule I followed, like being at my desk at 8 in the morning... now, after life has given me a few good spankings and I adjusted my principles accordingly, I'm a lot more relaxed about many things... I'm sure you'll find a way, that works for you 😀
I know you will never be everybodys darling, posting whatever they ask you to. Its a fine line for an artist. Like I said, you have a following because of what you have done so far and not for making any sort of "promises" or compromises. On the other hand, one does need the confirmation and appreciation. But that always comes with quality! 😊
Looking forward to all the wonderful things you are going to share in the future 😘
Just wanna say that this comment thread is full of positivity and that I love it! #ArtistsUnite
WOOOOHOO! Cheers @eveuncovered, I’ll have a beer to that! Hope to join you in the free world soon!
Don’t be pessimistic about this, you just made an epic life choice! Go enjoy yourself :)
Wowooo! I’ll be waiting for you here with a G&T. In the meantime, keep stealing more company pens 😝
Now for suggestions....
Since you’ll have a lot of time on your hands and you don’t have to cook for anyone but yourself you should start a “Cooking with Eve” segment where you take sexy selfies while eating and making food hahaha
That is kind of a good suggestion, but I need a looooong break from cooking. I could eat cake and make a mess of it on myself, but I don’t play with food 😈
I’ll help you with that...
nice one! keep it up!
Holy Eve, I hadn't much time to write here at all, but scrolling here a bit earlier, I have noticed your post and I said to myself that I will read it a little bit later. Now seeing my name in the footer makes me feel bad for my choice to postpone reading it, ops :)
At first, reading the title I thought that something bad happened, but now I realize that you made a really big step moving entirely to blogging. I don't want to hear you ever saying that you don't have courage, because you have a lot making this great decision! I believe that this will be good for you for the long term, but you may also find the need to have a hobby or something else to do with your tine now. I am very curious to hear how is it going from the emotional point of view the shift from a full time job to being a successful (don't try to disagree) blogger with pretty much free time.
What makes me a little bit sad about this is the fact that sometimes it is possible that you don't want to post anything and just go to a vacation or lay all day in bed. At that moment I would ask you to skip making a post because I don't want that your interaction with the platform and with us to feel like something you have to do in order to be successful. I wish that when you reply to some comment you receive, you will really feel that you want to write that reply back and not make it for being polite. I also hope that your positice interactions with us here will become better and that we will preserve the same will of talking and sharing ideas to each other.
As a last point in my comment and to answer your question about ideas on what you should share with us, let me say first what you should start easily. I think that you found (or made) a niche here. Posting beautiful artistic photos, sharing impressions about them and interacting with people, I believe these are your strengths. Maybe including crypto analisys or news on this topic won't make your current followers base happy, at least not all of it, espevially that people who just appreciate you for your art, but who are not so interested in cryptocurrencies. My suggestion will be to make a separate account for the second topic and use it for crypto news/ideas/opinions only. You can say that this account is affiliated to you, or simply that it is yours, I guess it will be easy to promote it and people interested in crypto and you will follow that account too, while the people who are only interested in you (your current posting style) will keep following your actual account and you will not lose any follower, but you would even get some more.
For the beginning I would say that you could start sharing with us how do you feel now as a full time blogger and how was your experience going from work to just writing here.
PS: These are just my opinions, but I guess that some of them are worth a try even they sound like a lot of work.
PPS: I envy you for your courage, keep on going like that!
Wow. First of all, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day for writing such a long comment to me Andrew, makes one feel quite special😊
It’s definitely going to take time to get used to the new life and find new routines. I will write about that in the future for sure.
Now that this is my job, there is a real possibility that this all might start to feel more like a task, not just something fun. But I really like doing this, all the commenting back and forth and making the posts. It’s not always fun but that is way I like to change it up between nature, self portraits and other things. It makes it both interesting to me, and to you guys. And no, my blog will never ever be about crypto. It’s just something I do on the side, and I know way too little and I have no desire to try and give anyone any advice regarding crypto trading. 😁
Thank you so much for being a follower and a very active commentator on my posts.
Ps. you forgot to include your cat!
Oh, how could I forget about the cat? It looks like you won this one, I forgot about it, but you remembered :)) I guess it was because of the late hour I have written the comment, and more important, the idea of your article which made me concerned about you :D
Let me make up to you for this :P
There you go, btw, what is his name?
I don't know why I hate this question :)) He had a lot of names, but right now my sister is calling him Mehmet or sometimes Pus (it is funny because I don't know if you will be able to pronounce it as I have written it).
No wonder he is so grumpy! You need to give him a proper name! I'm pretty sure I know how to say Pus, we Finns speak the same as everything is written. English is not your mother language either, right?
I expect to see what you are spending your free time on like probably photos of you travelling and the like otherwise, keep doing what you were doing. Much love @eveuncovered
I will be doing some travelling soon and of course I while share all that on Steemit :)
I wish it was that easy for the rest of us..
If you think it was easy for me to get to this point, you will never ever be able to achieve anything close to what I have.
"I need to come clean"
I already thought you have caught a nasty STD or something like that.
Phew, this was better news.
Getting an STD would require letting someone touch me, and I prefer having a computer between me and other creatures.
Oh no need to worry, good @eveuncovered you can get most STDs also from dirty drug needles and such.
No need to touch another human being ;)
I assume this doesn't help though
If I just snort cocaine it's alright? :)
As long as you don't snort any cock it's alright :)
Support you all the way Eve, and have seen the amazing work you put in before you were putting your full time into steemit. There should be nothing to be ashamed of everyone has goals and everything is risky now a days. You've been a inspiration this year and im looking to open up more myself im shy at not being the best writer but i know how to express myself in photos. Keep doing you and share more stories on hobbies or things that inspire you!
Your a all in one on steemit rare
Thank you so much Adrian! I really love your photography and I hope you can share even a little more about yourself and your life, I think that would be beneficial for you in the long run :)
Hey I’ve been thinking of doing the same thing, there is something just so liberating about being your own boss and working on your own time. Good on you and I support your decision!
To be honest the best content you can come up with and that we will enjoy is something that YOU are passionate about, that’s where the beauty of the content really shines. Best of luck my friend! ❤️
This post has been upvoted and resteemed. I started following you to see more of your work!
I am excited to see your journey and how it unfolds. I too, hope to make this big leap eventually!
wow this is a huge accomplishment congrats to you! And very encouraging..
Hahahaha thanks for keeping it real! So now I have to be afraid of a relationship, he looks scary!
I am glad for you and I wish you all the luck.
Furthermore, people like you make it easier for me to believe in Steem & Steemit.
I am a knifesmith so I would like to see a story on your knives ;)
As for me I think the best way is to keep doing what you have been doing, keep posting what you know how to and keep improving every day. Nothing is certain in life and even if this don't work out which I believe it will, there is always another way out of life. Just my advice or thought.
It's always inspiring to hear peoples Steemit success stories, I can tell from this post you are talented at what you do and have worked hard to get where you are. Quitting your day job for your evening passion is a real accomplish to be proud of.
Hopefully many of us will be able to do the same with some hard work too.
Keep Steemin'
This is really inspiring. I'm working in a factory right now and I am looking to eventually make Stemmit my full time job. It's not that I don't enjoy my job, but I am a writer, board game creator and song writer, so, this would be a better platform for what I love. Congrats!
Just be yourself and keep trying to be better everyday. Keep your head up and stay focused and good things will come of it. 2018 is gonna be my year im tired of working for the man I wanna be The Man. I have taken a few small steps on this journey and will continue to make more steps and maybe a few bounds. New subscriber here. Thanks again cant wait to see what u come up with next.
I really envy you for doing that. Sometimes I also wish doing what you did, but sadly my courage is not big as yours. What you can post about for example is, how do you feel at home without being around colleagues and people in your area of expertise. It can be weekly thing. And maybe what you do with that time of yours, now when you have it. Again, great move and wish you all the best. Looking forward to see how you do. :)
Fortune favours the brave
thats a brave step to become a full time steem member best wishes for you and i am not brave like you
Very awesome post! Good luck and I am looking forward to see what is to come!
Very well done !!!
It takes lots of hard work and... gutts to acomplish that
I am sincerely happy for you
now thats a great idea to be a full time blogger now you can share interesting stories about your life and whats the ups and down including what you learn from it
from wherever it starts,it happens to everyone
your story is just like me ! same here i quite youtube and join steemit!
if you start working on crpto so plz think carefully invest in coin!
Very interesting story out of work and switch to steemit Good luck
Thank you! :)
very friendly and very clear narrative. I loved it so much. you know the best of the decisions you make in life. I want to see you more. do not listen to their beautiful stories that you take. and I want to see more of your perfect intimate words, beautiful face. the decisions you make are yours:
see you :)
best of luck with your conquest of steemit! I want to see more of the same-sexy/magical/mythological/inspiring images of you. and your perspective of the world.
Thank you! I will try to get a unicorn for my next photoshoot, of maybe we’ll have to settle for a fairy or something.
unicorn? this is probably just a coincidence but now I wonder If you have ever read The Witcher books or played the games? because two main characters have long lasting history with unicorn...
The Witcher 3 spoilers
Wtf is this shit, it’s so bad 😂😂😂
could you imagine any less comfortable situations?😜
Intestinal fortitude. Write on.
I hope to be able to do that too, some day.
Oh noes! You should be in the kitchen!
Only on my own for now! 🤗 I’ll make you a sandwich if you want!
Sure! :-)
Beatiful, thanks for sharing
I want to see you enjoy gin. Sans clothes preferably, or in proper (old world) gin enjoyment clothing ;D
I’ll do it gladly!
You have a gun .. watch out

What you will do
So long as we still have time to work on our movie, then a huge congratulations to you!! I've no doubt its a bit scary, as would any change of career but you're producing some amazing content on here and you deserve every bit of success. Delighted for you!!
Well of course, now I have all the time in the world for our movie! I think we should see if we could shoot it Iceland, that would be exotic.
Thank you so much for your encouragement Dave :)
Congratulations and can't wait to read more success stories in the future. Don't look back!!!!
@eveuncovered congrat for post😊
Good luck steemit career
Please upvote and reply for me @burabay
Thank you so much 😊
This is inspiration. What a phenomenon Steemit is where anyone can blog to the point of making a living. I would have thought this is impossible before understanding Steemit. Congrats !
First of all congratulations, on becoming another Steemit success story. Absolutely amazing that you will be able to live off your rewards here on steemit and through crypto trading. As to what you should post? Why ask me, you are the one who has achieved a great milestone here on steemit. And of course, I will not be a rude boy, you get an upvote!
Congratulations! You're gorgeous, talented, and working your account here perfectly. I'm glad you've been able to get off your hamster wheel. Well done. Well done!
Thanks, it feels amazing to get out of that wheel, I hate running!
YOU GO GIRL! I'm so proud of you, I wish I had balls to do the same.. In few years I hopefully have ! :)
KIITOS! :) I hope you get to join me in the dark side soon :D
I will ! I hope that 2020 is going to be my year ! I have some shit going on in personal life and by then I probably have sorted everything out..
You're an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this,
Congratulations! Are you going to do some cooking shows for your posts or was it just a job to finance your path to being a full time blogger? Good luck!
Congratulations, I have quit a lot of jobs and a few careers and while it is always anxiety provoking in the short run to quit a perfectly good job it has always been a great thing in the long run. No one dies wishing they had spent more time working at a job they didn't like. Keep doing your thing, you are rocking it, you will only get better at it.
Well done on the brave move
best of luck
It's so inspiring for me to read success stories! It's almost if I could feel the way you do now that you gained your freedom back. As if with every word I'm closer to achieve my dream!
Thanks for sharing this with us! Keep on emitting the love with every breathe!