I write about a lot of different things. I tend to go in cycles. So I likely will occasionally write something that doesn't interest you. Hopefully sometimes what I write does. I just write whatever I feel inspired to write at the time. That's likely why it comes in clusters as writing about a topic and then discussing it can lead to writing another that is related.
I'm the same way so I see nothing wrong with that. I also like to just write about whatever strikes my fancy. Some people like to stay niche/topic specific which is cool. I just don't like feeling limited, lol. So it is neat that you write about such a wide variety of things. Someone actually referred me to your stuff because of your political commentary
Yeah I often get sucked into politics and I write a lot of philosophical things. The rest is usually music, game development, or things like that. Sometimes science, sometimes paranormal. Like I said whatever inspired me. Philosophy is likely my most common topic.
I can understand that I've noticed myself commenting a lot on politics as well. I'll have to check out more of your philosophical stuff as well. People like you make this place enjoyable. Good model for success and also down to earth with the rest of us newer folk, lol. Philosophy is never bad to write about.
I am in love with philosophy. Pretty funny when you consider what the word means. Love of Knowledge, love of learning. :P
Steemit has expanded my mind in a little less than a year more than any place ever has done as quickly in my life. It hasn't stopped expanding it either.
I write about a lot of different things. I tend to go in cycles. So I likely will occasionally write something that doesn't interest you. Hopefully sometimes what I write does. I just write whatever I feel inspired to write at the time. That's likely why it comes in clusters as writing about a topic and then discussing it can lead to writing another that is related.
I'm the same way so I see nothing wrong with that. I also like to just write about whatever strikes my fancy. Some people like to stay niche/topic specific which is cool. I just don't like feeling limited, lol. So it is neat that you write about such a wide variety of things. Someone actually referred me to your stuff because of your political commentary
Yeah I often get sucked into politics and I write a lot of philosophical things. The rest is usually music, game development, or things like that. Sometimes science, sometimes paranormal. Like I said whatever inspired me. Philosophy is likely my most common topic.
I can understand that I've noticed myself commenting a lot on politics as well. I'll have to check out more of your philosophical stuff as well. People like you make this place enjoyable. Good model for success and also down to earth with the rest of us newer folk, lol. Philosophy is never bad to write about.
I am in love with philosophy. Pretty funny when you consider what the word means. Love of Knowledge, love of learning. :P
Steemit has expanded my mind in a little less than a year more than any place ever has done as quickly in my life. It hasn't stopped expanding it either.
I find it to be fascinating. Politics and technology are two of my personal loves although I do like philosophy. Always like to learn. ^_^
I can see that. I'm enjoying getting involved in the community and being a part of it. I hope to learn more here myself.