Once again I find this ridiculous flag issue on Steemit to be the downfall of this website. I have up-voted many, many blogs on here and things I don't care for, I just overlook. Well I came across a women ( foni-rejeki ) promoting the drinking of snakes blood and eating the flesh. I am an animal rights advocate so I down-voted the blog. Within minutes this fool flags all my posts. This flag situation is absolutely ridiculous. Anyone can come in and aggressively flag all your posts. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY! If this system continues, I will not waste my time on here.
As long as it is no whale, your reputation is safe.
But I agree, the flagging system must be adjusted.
A single account no matter how big its stake is should not be able to kill accounts.
You were in the WRONG for flagging her post. How come you call it "down-voting" when you flag her but "flag" when she does it to you.
Flags are for abuses; not because you disagree with her message.
I just found out someone (luckily a tiny minnow) flagged 3 of my posts just because he disagrees I suppose. I even have a whale that regularly votes for me, so I'm obviously not breaking any of the rules here on Steemit. I haven't retaliated against my flagger, but I wish I could set them straight on proper protocol, yet I don't seem to have a way to get a message through to him -- so the thought did occur to flag him back, although I probably won't.
This woman (foni-rejeki) didn't break any rules. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.